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The girl stepped off the bus, looking around at what was the first stop she made since being home.

Of course, she could've asked someone to pick her up and take her home, but college wasn't exactly far from her family home and she had enough money for bus transportation.

It was better that she found her own way home.

Asking her family to pick her up just made her feel like such a burden. That's what she felt like for a long time, so she was grateful that she got into college.

The only Toretto to be accepted into college and have the courage enough to leave the nest to go.

The University of Southern California was a school that had always been on Frankie Toretto's list and they were lucky to have her. The girl was in her third year, with only one more to go studying aerospace and mechanical engineering, before pursuing her doctorate.

Her teachers and the dean had never seen anything like her before.

The girl just knew what she was doing, moving at an astounding pace with all of her work and putting in the effort they had never seen before.

She was never taking breaks unless she truly needed them because distracting herself wasn't an option at this point.

Frankie had grown as a person over the last ten years, taking care of herself before anyone else. It's the reason why she felt like such an outcast every time she came home for the summer. She forgot what the meaning of family was, completely keeping that away from her life at USC.

It was only a twelve-minute drive from their family home, but not once did any of them think about visiting her.

She was just going to have to accept that she was no longer a real Toretto.

The only reason she was coming home was to work.

She would earn money to pay off her student debt by working at their family-owned grocery store and garage.

Unlike her brother and sister, she used her insurance money from their father's death to pay the majority of her student loan and didn't have much left to pay off because she was smart about it.

Frankie thought her brother didn't approve of her studying, she should've been home taking care of them.

For Mia, that was better than leaving her family, but Frankie only wanted out of there.

Her dream was to go to Tokyo and work for Toyota or even work for NASA.

It was something that she was passionate about.

There was nothing left for Frankie in LA.

She wasn't going to stay just because her family asked her to– they weren't even a family anymore.

Nothing felt right to her anymore.

Frankie was also old enough to make her own choices and live life the way she wanted to live.

She wouldn't listen to anyone.

The woman adjusted the bag on her shoulder that was filled with a mixture of clothes and books, mostly books. She was standing in front of Toretto's Market and Cafe, tilting her head because it's been a whole year.

A year of not being here and the place hadn't changed since she was a child.

She always expected some big renovation to happen while she was away, so she could come back and be blown away.

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