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A girl in her early 20s is driving her car in haste when suddenly her phone starts ringing.

The girl presses the answer button and puts the phone on speaker.

T- Hello Naira.

The girl who is driving the car is none other than Naira.

N- Yes Trisha.

T- Naira, where are you? It's getting late. Hostel warden is again and again asking for you. I've lied to her that you're in washroom but if you don't come in 5 minutes then she will definitely check the washroom.

N- Trisha please divert her mind and I am reaching in 5 minutes. Ok?

Suddenly Naira saw a truck coming towards her in high speed. She shrieks.

Trisha gets tensed.

T- Naira.... Naira.... Are you there?

Suddenly the call gets disconnected.

The truck hits Naira's car and it turns upside down on the road. Naira's body, covered with blood, comes out of the broken window glass and she was unconscious.

Few people gathered near the car and took her to hospital for treatment. They were not able to contact anybody related to her as her phone was broken.

Doctor started her treatment. Her head injury was very deep which might have caused some damage to her brain.

After her surgery, Naira was unconscious for five days. On the fifth day, she stirred a little. A nurse who was changing her bandage noticed this and she immediately called the doctor. The doctor checked her and Naira opened her eyes.

D- How are you feeling now?

Naira was looking at him blankly.

N- Where am I, uncle?

Doctor looks at her perplexed.

D- do you remember the year?

N- Yes uncle it's 2005.

D- What is your name?

N- My name is Naira.

Naira tells the doctor while giving him a full toothed smile.

D- What's your age?

N- I am only 8 years old cute girl.

D(to nurse) - I think a part of her brain is damaged in the accident, that's why she is behaving like a 8 year old girl. She is suffering from Retrograde Amnesia.

N- What will we do now, doctor? We don't have any information about her family and it's not safe to leave her alone in the city.

D- I know. Let me ask her if she remembers something about her family.

The nurse nods her head.

D- Naira, do you know your parents' name or your address?

N- I don't know doctor. I have never seen my parents.

D- I think she is an orphan. I'll inform police and they'll find her relatives.

Naira was looking at the doctor and nurse with a cute pout but Suddenly she clutches her head due to pain.

N- Aaaaaahhh. It's paining.

Doctor checks her and immediately gives her injection and she falls asleep. They left the room.

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