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In GOENKA Mansion,

"YOU NEED TO SHUT UP!" screamed NAIRA at kartik who had already shut his ears due to constant shouting.

"I really didn't intend to speak to her about anything!" kartik justified as he kept his hands down.

NAIRA: You are lying to me KARTIK!

KARTIK: I'm not!

NAIRA: Then let's play truth and Dare!

KARTIK(amused): Are you serious? You want a game to decide if I'm lying or not?

NAIRA: Even you can ask me questions, and we both will answer with honesty.

KARTIK: Fine! If you want so!

NAIRA: Get the bottle!

NAIRA commanded.
In the hall of GOENKA mansion, kartikand NAIRA were sitting facing each other with a table in the centre, the bottle on top of it.

KARTIK: Are you sure? You wanna do this?

NAIRA: I am!

kartikspinned the bottle and it landed on him.

NAIRA chuckled: Truth or Dare?


NAIRA: Message NIKITA that she should no longer try to contact you!


NAIRA: What's the problem? She was ex-girlfriend, it shouldn't matter now that you are married and have a child.


kartikmessaged NIKITA and instantly his phone rang, flashing NIKITA's number on screen.

NAIRA: You aren't going to answer! Keep the phone down!

It was clear command which he couldn't refuse. He didn't answer the call and then spinned the bottle.

KARTIK: Truth or Dare?

NAIRA: Truth!

KARTIK: Did Kabir propose you after our marriage?

NAIRA(worried): Yes!

KARTIK(anger): How the fuck can he do that knowing well that we both are married?

NAIRA: I rejected his proposal. He said that you aren't suitable for me, since he caught you speaking to NIKITA.

KARTIK(gritting his teeth): Bullshit!

NAIRA spinned the bottle.

NAIRA: Truth or Dare?


NAIRA: You'll be changing KAIRA's diaper for the next whole week!

KARTIK's mouth was wide open.

KARTIK: Out of all.......THIS?

NAIRA ignored his question and spinned the bottle.

KARTIK: Truth or Dare?

NAIRA: Dare!

KARTIK: You'll be preparing kachori for

me every day, for every meal for the next whole week.

NAIRA: You are obsessed with kachori!

KARTIK: I'm also obsessed to you! *winks*

NAIRA rolls her eyes: Fine! I'll do it!

kartikspinned the bottle.

KARTIK: Truth or Dare?

NAIRA: Dare again!

KARTIK: Kiss me!

NAIRA surprised: What?

KARTIK: what? It's not like the first time you'd be doing it. There were many times that you initiated the kiss. So it's a dare!

NAIRA stood up from her and went towards him and sat down on his lap, encircling her arms around her neck as he pulled her by the waist. And she kissed him with pure love and affection, without any dominance. Pulling back, she kissed him on the forehead, and sat down at her place again, both blushing heavily.

NAIRA: Truth or Dare?


NAIRA: Take me on a date tomorrow!

KARTIK: Where?

NAIRA: That's your choice!

KARTIK: Done! It's going to be one of our best dates.

NAIRA: It sure will be!

She winked at him.

Vans: Truth or Dare?

NAIRA: Truth!

KARTIK: What was your first impression about me?

NAIRA: That you are too self-centred, and are hard like rock and have no heart.

KARTIK: Did you ever think good about me?

NAIRA: Not until, you proposed me.

KARTIK's jaw dropped.

KARTIK: Kya itna bura hoon main, NAIRA?

NAIRA pulled his cheeks: You are too good!

NAIRA spinned the bottle: Truth or Dare?

KARTIK: Truth!

NAIRA: Where were you last night?

KARTIK: With NIKITA at Aryan's place!

kartikrealised what he said in the flow of the moment and saw NAIRA's angry face.

NAIRA got up angrily and marched to the room, screaming: DATE CANCEL! DIVORCE FINAL!

kartikran behind her as she locked the door on his his face: SLEEP OUTSIDE!

KARTIK: NAIRA! I'm sorry!

And it went on with their cute banter and end up always being together forever....


How was it???

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