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Naira's POV

How dare he, dancing with other women and that stupid girl.....what's her name.....haan vedhika or vedu he never called me like that for her vedu....stupid monkey bloodly fucking hell I'll just kill him and she's sticking to her like super glue, I wish I could stick her to ceiling. Did she touch his chest.... I told him not to reveal looks like only my husband got a good body these girls are literally eye raping him....my poor baby....I should do something to save his dignity, he whispered something to her ears and she was all of smiles...I shouldn't come here in the first place...... 

I was stupid to come here, everyone here are beautiful, attractive and what not but me I don't fit in here.

Tears welled up , she rushed towards the restroom, she washed her face and was reapplying makeup she heard some sounds"Did you see Kartik.....he's so hot "

"Yeah I wish I could have him in my bed every day under him moaning his name""Hmmm....dude you know he has wife it seems and she was eww""So..behenjii types she's not even that good looking I don't know what Kartik saw in her"Hearing everything her eyes started to become misty, she went out of the party ,she was so upset, disappointed on herself and Kartik too. He was a famous celebrity who has a world wide business, and he was married to her and it was purely a arranged marriage. She went to the mansion and changed into a comfortable one and sat on the bed thinking about the party and her bizarre life.

Kartik's POV

vedhika was an amazing person and hearing about her son's adventures now I really want a baby of us...my Naira. I came across many women in life but only the desired was my money, fame and obviously sex... but with Naira everything was different, I was her first priority, she takes care of my every single thing. I never wanted to have an arranged marriage but after seeing her photo, I right away said yes to marriage, I really fell for the divine beauty and after marriage I even fell for her more , she has now become my everything. I never regret the decision of marrying her in fact I'm very lucky to have her as my wife 

Keeping the thoughts aside, his eyes searched for her but she's nowhere to be seen, he excused himself from the party and went outside to see his driver, he asked him about Naira , he said he dropped her to the mansion, so he too left , his mind was clouded with anger, he literally had a mini heart attack not finding her in the venue, he rushed to the room to find her sitting on the bed eating maggi with her eyes glued on laptop....his anger raised seeing this....he rushed to find her safe and she's eating without any worries

Kartik: what the fuck are you thinking

She lifted her head saw him

Kartik: you didn't even bother to inform me that you're leaving

Naira: ohhh I was about to inform you Kartik but you were busy....so I thought not to disturb you

Kartik: that doesn't justifies your act....

Naira: why do you care.....ok relax Kartik I'm fine

He held her by shoulders and pinned in wall

Kartik:WHAT DO YOU MEAN...why do you think I don't care for you. You're the only one I can rely upon how could you say this to me

She smiled

Kartik: stop that fucking smile I was searching for you like a mad man and you...

Naira: Kartik You know you're happiness is important for me and I know you're not happy with me

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