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She looked at the sky as tears rolled down through her eyes. She thanked the God for the heavy rainfall bestowed upon them. Now nobody would be able to see her tears in the rain.

She looked down at her reflection formed on the puddle of water on the road. Her paled, broken, disheveled self on the muddy water made her feel more worthless. A quick, long sigh escaped her mouth. She adjusted her glasses a little more and pulled back those curls. She never loved those curly locks. They made her feel more ugly. Already people around her and in her school mocked her for her looks. She wasn't that pretty girl who could catwalk, pout or sway her hips like they did. She was what she was born with, a simple girl from a middle class family with a box of dreams to achieve.

But what happened today left her in pieces.

"I hate to see your face. I hate you Naira. You made me a joke. Why? Which enmity I had with you that you took this filthy revenge? "

His reddened eyes tore at her as she tried to force back her tears, "Kartik, trust me I love you.The first I met you it wasn't love at first sight. My love for you formed gradually. Your personality, your voice, your hair, your eyes, your humor, the way you looked away and smiled, gradually it all came to clear to me you were exactly what I was looking for. "

"Shut this crap up Naira. Enough is enough. First you made a fake account using someone else's picture, then you fooled me into trusting you. And I did........ I thought you can be the one I should trust. I opened my heart before you. Your sweet words melted the rough tough ego in me. But then it was you....? Talking behind a third identity? You know how much I hate liers. This deception was the thing I broke up with Natasha before the whole university campus. "

"Kartik listen I can make you understand just give me a second......... I was scared that you won't befriend me. People hate me for my looks and I thought you would do the same-"

He showed her his palm. She stopped her words and looked at him tearfully as he spat out the words, "From today onwards, you won't dare to talk with me. I will block you from everywhere. I don't even want to see your face. You are a fake person. "

Saying he left from there before she could stop him. She knew it was fruitless to stop him. He was a man of words.

When Naira returned home with the broken heart, she broke down before her sister Trisha, her only console. Trisha was the only one who was her friend.

When Trisha noticed her wet and her eyes swollen, red she quickly said, "What happened nairu? "

Naira breaking down before her told her everything. Trisha tried to comfort her, "That's good. That stupid joker doesn't deserve my sister. Don't cry Naira..... You are a princess. He deserves a witch. "

"No Trisha........ He is a good man. I deceived him. I should have known what kind of man he is.... I am way out of his league. He is the most popular, most handsome guy, from a rich, decent family. He regularly comes in audi. And see me? Those dark circles, those specs, those curls here and there make me look like a creep. I can't even afford a taxi leave even the audi. "

"Naira.... Stop thinking about him. He isn't thinking about you. And don't demean yourself like this...... You are real. You are a beautiful soul. Can he buy a pure soul? He can buy an audience not a pure soul. "

Karan silently listened to Kartik till he poured his heart before him, "She is a cheater. "

"Enough Kartik enough............... I won't tolerate anything any shit you tell about Naira. "

Karan's sudden outcry shocked Kartik, "You are taking her side over me? Over your best friend? "

"Yes, I am and I will take even if you threaten me about finishing the friendship. I don't care. You are blinded by fame. She is a beautiful mind which you can't buy with that fame Kartik..... "

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