Book 2 chapter 28

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We got into some cars and started driving to a hospital to one of the nearest warehouses.

We finally arrive while my head throbs in pain.

It has been hurting ever since I got hit on the head but it's been hurting more while it keeps bleeding.

I am really cold, like I'm still shivering even though the heat in the car is at its highest.

Everyone in the car keeps glancing at me worriedly.

We walk inside the place, me still with Roman's jacket wrapped tightly around me, hoping it would give some warmth while it also covers my lingerie that I still haven't been able to change out off.

We immediately go through the warehouse to the hospital part before a nurse takes me with her, Elijah coming too.

I am told to change into some spandex shorts and sports bra so she can examine me better.

I comply and change in the clothes in a different room before I walk back in.

The dokter starts on my head wound, she cleans it first and then looks at it thoroughly.

"I'll need to stitch this up-" she starts, "-I'm going to get my supplies ready and inject you some numbing and pain killers" she says while getting needles out of a box.

Soooo....I'm still not good with needles. Like at all.

I had to get some vaccin a year ago and I still get panic attacks.

It just keeps reminding me of when I used to get drugged and I can't help it.

So I say, "no"


"Don't bring out the needles, I can do it without" I tell her.

Elijah looks just sad since he knows why I'm saying this.

He brings his hand in mine, holding on.

"Are you sure? It'll hurt a lot" she says worriedly.

"Yes, it doesn't matter" I tell her.

She looks at Elijah, he motions her to do what I say.

"Okay" she says and gets everything ready.

A few minutes later, the doctor starts.

She gets the needle close to my head but hesitates, "just do it" I command her.

She trembles a little, "are you really sure, this is on your head" she says.

"Yes, I'm okay it won't hurt as much as you think. If you're really so unsure about it, ask my dad" I tell her.

"Lijah please go get dad so he tells the doctor that she can stitch without numbing anything."

He nods his head and stands up and leaves the room but not before giving me a kiss on the head.

Soon my dad and brothers with Roman come inside the big room.

"You can do it" they all say.

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