Chapter 19

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Arsenio POV.

Everything just happened so fast. One minute we were watching tv and then suddenly Valentina my principessa fell to the ground, the ambulance came soon but she was already out by then.

Now were just waiting in the hospital. And yes we own the hospital.

I'm sitting in a chair waiting for any news trying to keep it together in front of the family.

Allesandro is pacing around just like Antonio.

Xander and Blake have both been punching holes in the walls and going off to anyone who tries to touch them.

Xavier and Lorenzo are crying.

And then Elijah is just staring at the wall, I think he blames himself. For not noticing sooner, but I think we all do.

I blame myself, I mean, I'm her father for gods sake. I should have noticed and I didn't. But I don't think that we would have noticed unless she wanted it to be revealed. I don't know what is going to happen or if she's okay, and just thinking about that is terrifying.

But what I do know is that the motherfucker who did this will pay.


Elijah POV.

I feel so guilty man. I should have noticed, and I didn't.

I failed as her brother.

And a doctor.

I'm a doctor I should've noticed the signs of pain. And I didn't

I'm mad and sad, but most of all I'm angry. I'm so angry.

The fucking dick who did this is seriously going to pay.


(Hey author here, I'm not going to write the other's POV on this. It's all the same they feel guilt and shame but also sad and angry to the person who did this. So it's kind of stupid to write all the almost same pov's.)

Arsenio POV.

It's been around 10 hours since we've been here and there is still no news. Everyone is getting impatient but thankfully they all kind of calmed down, now we're all just sitting down next to each other in the waiting room.

Finally a doctor came out, please let it be for Valentina.

"Family of miss. Valentina Hernandez?"

"Yes here" we all ran to her straight away.

"H-how is she?"

"Is she alright."

"She isn't dead is she."

"Death? Dad please tell me that isn't true."

"No, no I don't think she's dead. Is she?"

At that we all began tearing up.

"No, mr. Hernandez she's not dead. But,..."

Oh god please don't let it be something bad.

"I need to talk to you in private."


"You can say it with us in the room"

"If it's about Valentina we want to know."

"No no no"

"Let us hear"

"We will find out eventually so just tell us all at once."

"Yes, listen to my twin, saves time too"

The doctor looked at me, they are going to find out anyway and they're not just going to drop this.

"Fine, tell us all"

"As you wish mr.Hernandez. Your daughter, first of all the condition she's in is not good. She's severely underweight to the point that most people would be dead at the point she's at, especially with so many injuries.

Her body is littered in scars and bruises.

Most of her ribs are broken and one of them went into her lung which caused the pneumothorax.

On her back there are several whip slashes most likely done with a belt or some kind. Most of them are infected.

On her stomach there is this big incision, most likely done with a knife.

On the rest of her body are also cuts made and a lot of bruises, she's covered in them.

There are words carved in her body, they all say things like 'slut' 'whore' 'fat' 'ugly' those kind of things

Lastly she had this big burn on her legs in the shape of a pan.

There is this choking mark on her euhm neck.

Her shoulder is dislocated

And there are some other things....

Mr. Hernandez you're daughter has been severely abused.
Do you have any idea how this could have happened?"




"No no no"

"When she euhm was a year old she euhm got kidnapped, we only recently got her back. There was this doctor visit that we were going to do in about a week once she was settled back in."

"I understand mr. Hernandez you can go see your daughter now, she isn't awake yet but she will be soon. She's going to be in a lot of pain, be there for her. Don't look at her in pity or anything. Good luck." She pointed to a room, where she is.

I looked at my sons, tears streaming down everyone's face and a lot of anger to the person who did this.

"L-let's go" I said my voice cracking

We walked in the room, and all of us settled down.

I grabbed my figlia's hand gently caressing it.

She began to steer after some time and then her eyes opened.

"Dad" She whispered voice cracking as tears started forming in her eyes.

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