Book 2 chapter 36

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I quickly put some mascara on before I finally make my way downstairs.

Suddenly while standing on the stairs, I feel that familiair sharp pain enter my abdomen.





I bring my phone out of my pocket and look at my period tracker.

I forgot that I had taken the last pill of the month yesterday at lunch, which means that my period starts today.

Over these two years, the medication did help with a pain a bit but not much.

The passing out from the pain was a one time thing, luckily but the rest all stayed.

My pelvis and thighs hurt, when walking and riding firefly. So when I'm on my period I go to school by car with my brothers or friends because of the pain.

Sometimes the pain is so bad, that I literally can't  walk so I stay home. When I am on my period my brothers are extra nice and try to not annoy me. They're good brothers. They'll leave me alone or hug me close to them, they'll get me snacks or nothing at all, they do what I need at that moment and I really really appreciate that.

I get dizzy and get a lot of headaches when I'm on my period on top of that pelvic pain. I also still get very painful cramps, like full on crying while clutching my stomach kind of pain.

I get painkillers for all this, but I can only take so much until my body would overdose on it. So the few  pills that I do get aren't that useful in the long run, neither to they relive a lot of the pain. They help a little but not much.

I walk, well more like run to my bathroom where I quickly put some pad in my underwear. Over these years I did try out tampons and I kind of like them.

Tampons are useful and I can't feel them, but I can only use them the second day of my cycle since it hurts a little the first day.

After washing my hands and fixing myself up, I open my backpack and take my little period bag out of it.

I look inside the little bag to find only one more tampon and two pads.

I quickly open my drawer where my period stuff lay in before putting some pads and tampons in the little bag.

Than suddenly I feel a painful cramp grow in my abdomen.

I clutch my stomach while my legs throb in pain as they buckle, trying to keep me upright.

Even though I've been going through this shit for about two years, I just can't get used to the pain. Back then I got pretty much used to it but with this you just can't.

I push myself upright using the counter before rushing downstairs.

I bite my lip to stop me from continuously crying out. My pelvis and thighs hurt more by the second when standing let alone walking.

When I'm on my period I'm personally more lazy than on other days. So I now do have a reason to why I slept so long this morning.

I walk in the dining room still clutching my pained stomach and walk to my chair.

I sit down as a cry escapes my lips when I touch the chair.

I tug my knees closer too me and try to roll up as much as I can with that pain.

I feel a hand rub my back slowly but lovingly, like saying that it would be alright and the pain would disappear before I know it.

I lean into the touch before clutching my stomach harder when the pain grows.

Don't cry

Don't cry

Don't cry

The constant pain will be gone in a week just breathe.

Just breathe

Breathe through it

Deep breath in and out

In and out

The pain slowly settles down a little, leaving a throbbing painful ache.


"Mhm" I hum to say to Elijah that I hear him.

"Here" he says.

I look up and see some pain killers in his hand, I quickly grab them and gulp them down, "thank you" I say genuinely.

"It's okay kiddo, the pain will go away" he say before bending down and giving me a kiss on the head.

I just nod before rolling up further in the chair.

I don't eat anything, feeling too nauseous which the others understand but they tell me to bring some food to school.

I grab a banana and put it in my bag before Roman and I leave.

We walk to the garage where we then just get into a black SUV. Roman takes the driving seat while I take the passenger seat.

A few minutes into the ride my cramps get worse.

They always get worse before they subside a little by the pain killers.

Roman glances my way before placing a hand on my thigh, gently rubbing it by drawing some circles on there.

"Breathe, my love. Deep breaths" he says while keeping his eyes on the road.

I do as he says and take deep breaths.

When we're 10 minutes into the school ride, the pain killers start to kick in.

The pain lessens a little but doesn't fully go away.

I place my hand on top of Roman's which he turns around so we're holding hands, that are resting in my lap.

"Do you have any tests today?" I ask him.

"Yeah a few, you?" He then asks.

"I have from math and Dutch" I answer his question.

"You sure you're okay, I can drive back home if you want" he says

"No it's fine Roman, I need to go to school today. I can't miss any more lessons in the next few weeks" I tell him.

He nods his head, "okay, but if you don't feel well, I want you to send me a tekst and we'll go back home" he says gently but stern, making sure that I would do it.

"Okay, Ro" I say.

"Good" he says in a loving tone before bringing my hand up and giving it a small kiss making butterflies erupt and send chills all around my body, the good ones this time.

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