Chapter 67

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Britney launched at me, but I stepped out of the way so she fell to the ground instead of hurting me.

A soft laugh left my mouth seeing her so enraged.

I turned back around and tried to leave when suddenly she stood up and grabbed me by the hair.

A gasp lifted my mouth as she dragged me back by holding it tight.

I grabbed her hand that was holding my hair before throwing her over my shoulder just like how I did with Xavier earlier.

She fell to the ground with a loud thud and a scream.

She was getting me angrier and angrier and unless she wanted to get beat up she needed to stop right now.

"What is your problem?" I gritted through my teeth.

"You!" She yelled before standing up again.

She launched at me again, but I ducked.

"Why aren't you fighting back huh, are you scared?" She asked with fake sympathy.

"You want me to fight?!"

"Yes, you bitch. I need my revenge for smashing my head in that locker and defiantly now that you're trying to steal my boyfriend!" She yelled, launching at me again. I grabbed her arm before it could hit me and punched her in the stomach.

"I don't have to stay away from him or them! And you deserved that!" I yelled, punching her in the gut again.

She fell to the floor by that punch and I sat on her waist keeping her still as I kept launching at her.

"I didn't" She yelled trying to get out from under me.

"You did!"



Blow after blow to her face and stomach.

"Why?" She cried out.

"You know why!"

"Oh you mean that-" She laughed. "-Me hitting you. I thought you liked it as much as the others did. It was just for entertainment, nothing personal. You're actually mad about that? It was nothing."

"It was not nothing!! You made my life miserable, you beat me everyday. You made other people beat me and call words after me!" I yelled, stopping for a moment with hitting her.

"Oh please, you make it seem so serious. It was nothing, stop acting like a child." She rolled her eyes.

"No, no, no!...You hurt me so much and now you're going to pay!" I said as I started hitting her again.

She was bringing up things from the past that I wanted to keep buried.

"You where asking for it. And we all enjoyed it, hearing you beg for us to stop was fun, everyone found it funny. You didn't try to stop us so don't you say that we were wrong."

"You were wrong!!" I yelled as I started punching her harder and harder.

I was losing control and I knew this girl wasn't going to make it out alive if I didn't stop.

I took everything in me to stop and stand up, I kicked at her a few times before turning back around to leave.

But of course, she didn't want that.

She grabbed me by my leg and made me trip myself to the ground.

I groaned as the impact of the floor hit me.

As I tried to stand up again, Britney was faster and had me already pinned to the ground under her.

She now started blowing some punches to my face.

She wasn't very strong or had any tactics so after like one punch to my face I could flip her of off me.

I did just that and stood back up, dizziness coming as soon as I stood.

She followed the same act and stood now up too.

I looked at her anger overtaking me completely.

"You beat me again!" I gritted through me teeth.

"Just like the old days huh?" She snickered.

We both looked at each other before I kicked her with my leg and right after that sending a blow to her face.

We started wrestling, me getting more in the favour of getting punches send to her.

Before I could register what was happening, dad threw his arms around me, while Allesandro grabbed Britney.

They both took us apart from each other, but I still tried to get back to Britney.

Clawing at dad to get back at her, but dad never letting go.

"What Valentina, can't face the past? Huh!?" She mocked.

"Fuck you Britney. FUCK YOU" I yelled trying to get free, some tears now forming remembering all her doings in the past that I thought I would never have to face again.

Dad loosened his grip a little making me leave his grip and sprint back to Britney.

I threw another punch at her face before I was taking in dad's arms again.

Dad held me until I calmed down a little and stopped struggling.

I hugged dad back as the last few silent tears stopped falling now.

"I'm sorry" I said my voice breaking.

"Don't be sorry, I'm sure you had your reasons principessa." He said kissing my head.

I still held onto dad, needing a little comfort as I looked around.

I didn't notice that a crowd had formed while fighting.

My throat closed up, seeing them all.

They had seen me in that state, oh no, oh god.

I looked back at dad, who immediately knew what I was thinking and gave a nod too grandpa before tugging me back into his arms.

"Show's over everyone. OUT! And if I find any video's on the internet you won't know what'll happen!" grandpa yelled and threatened.

Heads lowered in fear while they all walked away.

I let dad pick me up as we walked into some room, in the mall, where Britney was now also seated with the rest of the family.

We walked inside and sat down as grandpa started talking.

"Why the hell did you guys do that?!" He demanded an answer and I'm not sure if I wanted to give him that.

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