Chapter 41

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"We have the results, Valentina you have depression, anxiety, anorexia and PTSD. -" hearing that I just cuddled further into Elijah seeking comfort which he gave by rubbing my back. I knew that I'd probably have these disorders, but it's still hard to hear. "- I will prescribe you medication that you'll need to take everyday and then the meds for anxiety you take when you feel anxious. These disorders also explain your numbness at times or feeling too much other periods of times. " I nodded my head a few tears falling down my face.

I'm not mad about it, I know that deep down I always knew.

I don't even know why I'm crying.

Maybe I'm just still very sensitive from the panic attack earlier.

The doctor made all these papers, that we have to take to the pharmacy later too then buy those pills.

While the doctor was making those, Elijah sat me up straight and whipped my fallen tears.

"It's going to be okay, don't cry it's okay" He said gently hugging me again.

When the doctor was ready with the papers and explained some more things too Elijah which I wasn't paying any attention too, we stood up and Elijah took the papers that the doctor handed him.

Elijah paid for everything and then we left to the parking lot to the car, but not before saying goodbye too the doctor and thanking him.

When we arrived at the car, I opened the door and sat down while Elijah did the same.

"Are you still okay to go to the rest or do you want to wait and make another appointment?" Elijah asked.

"No, it's fine. We can still go." I said staring outside.

He nodded before starting the engine.

The whole ride to the psychologist I kept staring outside, my mind not really with me.

Suddenly Elijah snapped me out of my thoughts and told me that we had arrived.

"Oh, okay" I said, unbuckling my belt and opening the door.

Elijah stood by my door when I jumped out the car.

"You okay" He asked grabbing my hand and walking to the entrance of the building.

"I will be, I hope" I muttered a quick response, only speaking the truth.

When we arrived we could immediately go and see the woman.

When we walked in we were met with a cute cosy room.

There was a couch with a table in front of it, then in front of the table was a big chair.

The was a desk in the corner of the room with stools in front of it.

There were cute bookcases in the room, with books, files and some plants and sculptures on it.

There was a big clock on one of the walls.

The place gave me a sense of calm.


We didn't really talk about anything.

We just met each other and got some information about everything.

I learned that her name is Amelia Lopez but she reassured me that I could just call her Amelia.

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