Book 2 chapter 55

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To wherever the wind takes us I guess.

Roman and I drove for some time but now we finally agreed on going to the beach.

When we arrive its around 10 am.

The school has probably already called my parents for my whereabouts.

I'm going to get in so much trouble.

Roman parks the car and soon walks out but not before telling me to stay seated.

I do as he says and soon my car door opens.

Roman holds out his hand which I immediately take while smiling.

He helps me out of the car before bringing me into a tight hug.

When we release the hug and give each other a passionate kiss, the wind interrupts us.

I hold my forehead against his while breathing heavily, "this is nice" I say in a soft voice, still smiling.

"It is" he agrees.

I look up at him while the wind messes up my hair.

Roman laughs a little when it comes in my mouth but he tugs the hair behind my ear.

Roman wraps his arm around my waist, "let's go" he says as we walk down to the sand.

Eventually we find a good spot to sit at so we sit down next to each other.

I lean against Roman as he still holds me. 

We continue enjoying just being here with each other when I start talking.

Very bluntly I decide to spit out what has been on my mind for a few days, "Jaxon is not Jaxon" I tell him.

He stills his movements that were caressing my skin.

"What?" He asks confused, a little worried.

"The day when I got shot I saw that  Jaxon isn't the real one" I tell him once more.

Roman sits up more straight and turns me towards him, "explain please" he says.

"Well first of all that man doesn't have the same scars as Jaxon does and like he called me cupcake" I tell him.

He raises his eyebrow, "cupcake?" He asks doubtfully and clearly unbelieving.


Once more he raised that stupid eyebrow.

"Look when Jaxon and I were younger we made up some dumb things and codenames. One of them was cupcake which if one of us would use would meen that the other one is kidnapped and they told the person that we call the other person cupcake. So when he said that I immediately knew that Jaxon is kidnapped and when that person turned around I saw that he doesn't have the same scar as the real Jaxon does" I explain to him.

"Val, you know I love you more than anything in this world but that does sound a bit ridiculous. Like maybe you just didn't see the scar because of the lighting in that room and- Jaxon has probably already forgotten about that conversation from years ago" he says while taking my hands in his.

"No- Roman. I know that that isn't the real Jaxon and I've looked through security footage on cameras in the city and stuff- doesn't matter. But I found him. I saw him getting kidnapped, Ro." I tell him seriously with worry in my eyes.

He looks at me for a second too long, "you're sure?" He than asks.

I nod my head and his face immediately dissolves into one of worry and nerves.

"Well than what are we doing here, we need to leave and get him locked up" he says while trying to stand up but I quickly stop him.

"No- if we show that guy that we know who he is, bad things could happen to the real Jaxon. I'm also currently trying to find out if my shooting and Jaxon's disappearing are connected in any way, because if they are, some serious bad things could happen." I tell him

"Who knows about this?" He than asks.

"Just us and a few trusted men" I answer his question.

His eyes go wide, "no one in the family?" He asks in disbelief while growing even more worried.


"Val-" he start but I cut him off.

"If they know, I know that they would act differently towards him and I can't let that happen so they don't know" I say.

"So why are you telling me this?" He asks a bit confused.

"I need your help, well only if you want to. It's dangerous" I warn him.

"I'll help" he says determined.

"You don't even know what for" I state.

"So? If my girl needs my helps I'll give her it" he says

I smile and lean in towards his touch more.

"Since I found Jaxon, I want to go and save him" I tell him.

"But wouldn't the people that took him and then replaced him notice and all" he says

"No-, I thought the same thing in the beginning but soon found out that where Jaxon is, the only contact that's being held with the outside world is by text messages. So if I fake those and make sure that all the messages that I send are from the same address, we can save Jaxon without anyone knowing except us." I explain to him.

"Okay I'll help you but what do I need to do?" He asks.

"This weekend I'll be going on a mission which my family thinks is just a mission like always but in reality, I'll be saving Jaxon."

"I'm going to come with you" he says determined.  

I smile and nod my head, "thank you" I say while breathing in the ocean's sent.

He gives me a kiss on the head before lying down, making me lie on his chest, "always, my love" he tells me while stroking my back.

Soon my eyes just start to get heavy as I enjoy all the silence around me except for that nice breeze in the background with the sounds of waves crashing on each other in the ocean and the seagulls flying over it.

Hearing Roman's heart beat comforts me in ways that I can't even describe.

But now as I lie here in this peaceful place where I'm enjoying everything this world has got to offer, I can't help but let sleep take over.

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