My exams are finished

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Hey everyone,

It's me; the author.

I just wanted to inform you guys about the fact that my exams are done, which means that the second book is coming in sight.
From tomorrow on, I will be re-reading each chapter and improve them if needed. The story line will not be changed though, so don't worry about that.

I am moving houses with my family, which means that we are now renovating, building, packing, unpacking,.. so I don't really have time for writing. So I decided that I will begin with doing all the rewriting first and when I'm done with that the second book will start.

The second book is probably starting in about two weeks or something I think, not sure though. The second book will just be uploaded here too, soooo.....yeah that's that.

I hope that y'all prepare yourself for the next book, because it'll be intense.
sorry for the wait, but I hope that it'll be worth it.

XXX the author

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