Book 2 chapter 26

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While looking around the room to the other buyers, the people who actually buy innocent, kidnapped girl, I could see them smirking at what the man is saying.

It makes me feel sick.

Little girls who are crying their eyes out go on stage one by one. While all these filthy grown man look at their little small bodies in amusement and excitement before then buying them.

Some men who work here then grab them before bringing them to their now "owner".

An hour goes by and we reach the 14 year olds who will be getting "sold".

They weren't really getting sold at this point. They were just kind of making an agreement that they would pay after every girl had a place.

All the lingerie that those little girl were wearing was nowhere near okay.

Every girl under the age of 13 has a bathing suit on and everyone above that age is wearing lingerie.

Some more revealing than Val's, some less.

The older the girls are, the more they start to realize what is happening. Some try to run away, some cry, some stand there speechless. But one thing is for sure and that is that all those girls are devastated.

Every girl that gets out on that stage is getting sold one way or the other.

Then finally Val comes on stage, well more like pushed on stage.

The boss look her up and down before grabbing her by her arm and dragging her to the middle of the stage.

Val stands there as she tries to go cover her body as much as she can. Her eyes look around the ground until they look at her brothers and father first and then meet mine. Her eyes are glistening with tears as the announcer starts to speak.

I press on my earpiece, "team 1 go inside and grab all the remaining girls and bring them to safety before reporting back, now." I command.

"This 16 year old girl is named Valentina. Valentina is a feisty but vulnerable girl. She is very intelligent and will do anything for someone she cares a great deal about. As you can see her body is covered in these disgusting scars-" he starts, making me grit my teeth together to stop myself from standing up and.. "- but she also has the body of a goddess which makes it a little better. Looks like she has a history of harming herself but I'm sure you can fix her. We start with $1000" he says while making Valentina spin around a little.

Men around smirk while licking their lips.

Immediately my hand shoots up as we had discussed before.

"Yes for the man at table one in the back" he says while pointing at me, "does anyone bid higher? $2000?" he then asks.

More men stick their hands in the air, including me.

"Anyone higher?"

I put my hand up while yelling "$10 000"

"Wow, can anyone top that?" Is asked, "maybe $15 000"

More men put their hands in the air, me doing the same.

"Still no winner, guess we'll have to go higher. $35 000" the boss asks.

My hand flies in the air as soon as the words leave his mouth.

"Yes, again the gentleman in the back. Anyone higher?"

Again, these stupid old assholes stick their hands in the air while calling out $40 000

She's mine, they can't have her.

"Higher?" The boss asks.

I push my hand in the air while glaring at the man from a second ago.

He ignores my irritated gaze while I call out, "$80 000"

The man looks at me shocked and annoyed before looking forward again.

"Anyone who can bid higher?"

Again more then a handful of man raise their hands in the air.

I look at Val, she looks so pale and....weak? I've never seen her like this, so devastated while her body looked like it could collapse any moment.


"$200 000" I state while holding my hand in the air.

"Anyone who can offer higher for this broken beauty, covered in painful memories?" He smiles.

That fucking asshole, I'm going to fucking kill him.

Hands again fly in the air, oh my god, can't they give up.


"$600 000" I call out while pushing my hand in the air for the hundred time.

This boss dude is having too much fun.

He has been making everyone want to take Val with them. Which only resulted in Val crying because of the comments he keeps making about her scars.

"This little girl needs lots of help, I mean when you look at her the only thing you can feel is pity, can't you. Now who bids more?"

This fucking asshole.

A tear makes its way down Val's face.

"$800 000" a man calls out.

"Does anyone bud higher?"

"Yes, 1 million dollars" I speak while lifting my arm.

"Anyone more?"

"2 million dollars" the man says lifting his arm.


"5 million" I call out.

The man looks at me before looking back at the boss, "8 million dollar" he then says.

"15 million dollars" I rush out while lifting my hand.

"15 million dollars for Valentina. Does anyone want to bid higher?"

No answers were heard.

"Going once, going twice and sold." The man says before Valentina get dragged of the stage and as she walks to me, people look at her scars.

Valentina walks to me while tears stain her face.

I pull her into my arms, making her sit into my lap as she starts crying harder.

For others it looks like she's crying because she got sold but in reality she's crying for how much these few days fucked her mental health back up.

I run my hand up and down Val's shaking body.

Her body ice cold from the environment she's been in for some days now.

In all our earpieces we hear that the other girls are saved.

Unnoticeably I grab another gun and give it to Val before Val calls out a clear in her microphone, making everyone from our team stand up, draw their guns and the shooting begins.

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