Chapter 57

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Arsenio's POV.

With one last scream of agony, Valentina pulled the tracker out of her arm.

Her fingers leaking with blood as she threw the tracker on the ground, blood flowing more than before.

All the eyes followed the tracker that landed on the ground, blood splattering next to it.

Behind me I heard a thud, immediately looking back I see Val falling down the bed as she started to rol down it.

Right before she hid the ground, I grabbed her holding her close.

She passed out.

I picked her up and placed her on the bed once more.

Elijah started preparing himself and taking all the supplies he needs to close the wound from Val.

When he started the stitches, I called out my orders.

"Allesandro, you go to the main warehouse and find everything you can about that dammed tracker, Wayne and Ricciardo are going with you. Also she said something about this man, one of the friends. In the cells there we already have some of them, see if that man is one of them and get all the information about that tracker from him too. Anyone that wants to go with them to blow of some steam on their friends, go with them. I'm going to stay here with Val incase she wakes up." I gave them one final nod dismissing them.

Most of them left with Allesandro and the others, probably to torture their friends some more.

Since we heard about the abuse and those friends of them, we've been tracking and hunting them down.

We have almost all of them in our cells and we pay them some visits pretty often.

The members of our mafia visit them too, they hurt their princess and they are going to pay for it.

When Elijah was done, I picked Val up and took her upstairs to her room.

Arriving in her room, I placed her on the bed before grabbing a hoodie out of one of my son's rooms and grabbing some clean leggings.

I called my mother in, to change her.

I would do it no doubt, but I don't know if Val would feel comfortable with me changing her.

She is my daughter and I've seen it all before, but it's her decision, maybe she wants privacy on those things.

When my mother arrived, I gave her the clothes before walking out of the room for a minute.

When she was done she came back out before giving me a warm hug.

I hugged her back while she muttered in my ear, "you're a good father Arsenio. I'm proud to call you my son."

In return I gave her a small smile saying, "I try to be" before she walked of again.

I walked back in Val's room, but not before grabbing my laptop so I could do some work while she slept.

I closed the door behind me and jumped next too her in bed.

I cuddled her close too me, but made sure that I could still do some work.

With one hand I caressed her back gently and with the other I started to answer some emails and stuff.

If I was in Val's place, I wouldn't want to wake up alone and confused so I stayed here with the most precious thing ever.

All those years without her were more than horrible, than not long after, her mom died, the love of my life.

I still tried to stay strong for the sake of my boys, but it was hard, really hard, still is.

After about half an hour, I stopped working and just cuddled with my daughter savouring every moment.


Another hour had passed and she started to wake up a little.

When she fully opened her eyes and looked at me I spoke, "hey little one"

"Hey dad" She groaned out.

I kept caressing her back up and down, "Are you in any pain, do you want some pain killers?" I asked.

"My head hurts and my arm, but I'm fine for the rest. And no, I don't need any medication for now at least. Are you okay?" She asked.

"you shouldn't be the one asking honey. I'm okay if your okay, your happiness matters the most too me principessa."

She smiled at me before saying that she loves me and thanking me.

"I love you more principessa, and why are you thanking me?"

"For helping me" She muttered cuddling closer, seeking comfort by remembering what had happened a few hours ago.

"How are the others?" She asked after a minute.

"Their okay, a little shocked by what happened though but their okay." I answered honestly.

"Where are they now?" She continued.



"They are in the main warehouse, trying to find out some stuff about the tracker and things like that. Some are blowing of some steam."


"We...euhm. We have been tracking their friends and bringing them to our cells. Most are releasing some steam on them while trying to find out more information about the tracker."

She shifted uncomfortably, "You have them?"

"Not all, but the most we think."

"How long?"

"We started tracking them since we heard about the abuse, they needed to be punished for what they did." I answered back.

After a moment she talked again, "in total there were about 6 friends that always came over that I saw and hurt me. There could have been more, but they didn't hurt me or see me. Sometimes random people came over and would hurt me too but than never came over again."

"We have caught them all, I think honey. We've got a lot of people in the cells that have hurt you in that house. We don't know if they are the right ones though." I answered back.

"You can bring me there, I can identify them, see if they are the right ones." She said after thinking for a minute.

"I don't-....Are you sure you'll be capable of doing that without triggering something? I mean it's your choice, if you want too, okay but I wouldn't leave your side for a second and if you don't want too than that's okay too. You're in recovery for your past, I don't know if it's the right thing by bringing up your past." I than said.

"Sometimes you have to face your fears to overcome them even if it hurts." was her only response.

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