Chapter 38

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The emotionless facade started to fade, I could feel it.

But even though I could feel it start fading, I tried to keep my numbness going.

When I ended my rant about everything that I didn't even mean to say to everyone, I looked back up.

All the mouths from the others were wide open, eyes falling out of their pockets.

I sucked in a deep breath.

What did I do, I didn't mean to share all of that information with everyone else.

I tried to walk away, but of course as soon as I came in the hallway, the rest of the family stood there.

Shit, I fucked up bad, now they know too.

I soon met eyes with Zane, but looked away immediately.

The guilt started growing in me as soon as our eyes met.

I could feel the mask slipping even more, bringing back all the hurt and pain.

My chest felt tight, knowing what I did.

I'll never be able to look at Zane or any of the others, not normally anyway, not without the guilt eating me.

Someone grabbed my arm from behind, bringing back memories that need to be locked away.

The person then turned me around, while saying "Val please honey, it'll be okay"

Just hearing that fucking sentence send me to the edge.

"no no NO!!..I'll never be okay, why don't you just understand, it'll never be okay!! It's never going to get better, there isn't always a rainbow after the storm. I'll never win this okay!!

And to even fucking think, that maybe me finally coming home and stuff that everything would be better again, a new start. I actually even started feeling better, I actually thought that these stupid periods of time from feeling nothing to feeling fucking everything were finally over. . But luck is never on my side is it, because as soon as some weird stupid thing from when I almost died years ago comes back all this stupid shit comes back too!! Every time it starts to get better it gets 10 times worse " I yelled

"FUCK, when will this shit ever get fucking better!!!FUCK FUCK FUUUCK!!" I screamed my emotionless mask completely falling to the ground, tears streaming at this point.

I started hitting the person who took me in their arms while crying my heart out.

Eventually I just went limp in the person's arms and cried in there while we both fell to the ground.

"When is the pain going to stop...It's never going to stop is it, I'll die like this." I cried into their arms.

"ssh sshh it's okay, let it all out" the person cooed me.

I kept crying while he rubbed my back up and down gently cooing me.

"I-..I just need it to stop, I need I need everything to stop" I cried out

"I'm done, I'm so done with this. I've had enough"

" why doesn't the pain stop, I want it to stop...I can't handle this pain. I can't do this anymore. Please, I can't do this anymore." I kept going

" I just want to be okay, I just want to be fine. I want to say 'I'm fine' and know that that isn't a lie, that for once saying I'm fine actually meant I'm fine. I don't want this anymore, I can't do this anymore. I don't want to live like this, I don't want to live anymore. Please just make the pain stop. I don't want to disappoint you guys but- I..I just can't" Tears streaming down my face, holding onto Allesandro's shirt for dear life.

I felt some tears falling on my head that were from Allesandro seeing and hearing me in this state.

After a few more minutes, Allesandro picked me up and walked away, to where?..I don't know, I just cuddled into him, finding comfort.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, snuggling my head into his neck.

We walked to the living room again where he laid down with me snuggling in his chest again.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I sighed out before I fell asleep on him, too exhausted to stay away.


Allesandro's POV.

Valentina fell asleep and after a while.

A few tears fell out of my eye again, thinking about what she said.

I knew that she wasn't okay and that there was stuff going on in her head that we didn't know, but I didn't think that it would be that bad.

I can't lose her, not again.

I was aware that the rest of the family also came and sat down but they kept quiet.

Matteo was asleep so he didn't see her meltdown.

"we need to do something, I can't lose her. Not again." I spoke out loud.

They all nodded their head in agreement.

"maybe we could ask her to see a psychologist and maybe even get her medication prescribed. Just to help her deal with everything you know."

"yeah, maybe it can help her process everything."

"we'll ask her, when she wakes up." I said before ending this part of the conversation.


A few hours have passed, we talked about ways to help Val.

And then lastly we talked about some shit happening in the mafia right now.

The Russian mafia leader, Vladmir Dmitriy , he has been trying to steal our shipments lately and has been sending us threats.

His mafia has been on the number 4 for the last couple of years.

He started of small, but he has been growing and wants to be the biggest mafia.

If he tries anything more we will have to kill him.

He's no threat to us for now but I don't know how long that will last.

We will need to train our men more to be prepared for anything.

We decided that we will send him a threat for now, to make sure that he knows not to mess with us.

Since Val's birthday is coming up and we know that she'll turn 14, we'll have to tell her about the mafia.

We then also need to start learning her self defense, just to be sure that if anything happens that she'll be able to protect herself.

In our family we have been telling every person in our family about the mafia from the age of 14.

Everyone is the same in our mafia, so Val will know at the age of 14 just like the others did.


Vladmir Dmitriy's POV.

Those stupid assholes also named the Hernandez family have got their little Принцесса back.

(Принцесса- princess (Russian, FYI, I don't know if these translations are of aren't right. I don't speak Russian so this is from google translate)

We kept the Williams in our sight over the years, so when they had their car crash we quickly changed the bodies with other ones that then turned to ash.

The Williams are now recovering and they want their sweet little revenge.

I looked at one photo of Valentina, she's a pretty young lady. I can't wait to have my hands on her.

Hearing her beg and scream for my mercy and when I'm done I'll just let the Williams and some of my men play with her.

The family will be broken when she dies and then war, we'll win and then I'll be number one.

Oh I can't wait Valentina.

I'm coming for you...and when I'm done with you, I'll kill the others.

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