Chapter 3

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Groaning I wake up. I open my eyes, immediately shutting them again because of the light. Slowly opening my eyes again, I try to adjust to the light and look at my surroundings.

I'm laying in a puddle of my own blood, on the basement floor aka 'my room'. I try to stand up but fall to the ground. My 'father' who I have to call sir probably threw me down the stairs last night, that explains the killing pain in my shoulder, it's probably dislocated or some shit.

I look at my clock to see it's already freaking 6:30 am. "f*ck" I curse underneath my breath.

I normally have to wake up at 5:00 am at the latest. I have to do the house chores and make breakfast for those idiots. While also making sure to get ready for school and not be late.

If I am late to school or have bad grades...well let's just say it never happened again.

I quickly get up and grab some clothes. I rush up the stairs to the bathroom, which is a privilege to use according to ma'am.

I shut the door and lock it. I turn around to be faced with the mirror. Looking at myself I begin to tear up.

My body is full of bruises and cuts and there is a hand print on my throat.

I quickly turn around, not wanting to look at myself any longer.

Turning on the shower, that is put on cold because I don't deserve any more not my words, I step in. I cry out in pain as the water hits all of my fresh cuts and bruises.

The water slowly turns red, making the tiles in the bathroom shower look even worse.

Only standing in the shower for a few minutes because of the time rush and shivering from the cold water, I jump out wincing again. Jesus, they really fucked me up didn't they, well it's not like I haven't got it before. This is noting compared to other times.

I but some band-aids on the cuts, that's all I can do. I don't have anything else. I can only hope it doesn't get infected. But with my luck, it'll probably get infected.

I put on my jeans and  a long sleeved shirt, with a hoodie over and some concealer on my throat so you can't see the bruises or hand print.

I also apply concealer on the places were you can see bruises, because I can not let them be shown, that's one of the rules I have to follow.

I rush down the stairs into the living room and start cleaning the bottles of alcohol and the blood. After cleaning everything I look at the clock and see it's 7:30.

Okay maybe just maybe I can be on time with their breakfast.

I ran into the kitchen and grab some eggs, butter, pan and everything I need to make something quick.

After a few minutes the eggs are ready, I put them on two plates and place them on the kitchen island.

Turning around while looking at the clock I see it's almost 7:50.

"shit" I muttered underneath my breath, I'm definitely late for school.

Turning around to go grab my bag and rush to school, I see both of my parents stand there.

Wide eyed I try to go away.

Keyword: try

!!!!!!trigger warning!!!!!!!

I get grabbed by my hair and pulled into a chest. I let out a muffled scream not expecting this to happen while sir's hand covered my mouth.

"What are you still doing here you bitch?!" I hear my 'mother' yell standing in front of me.

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