Book 2 chapter 14

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I snuggle into him and after a while we go to my room and cuddle into each other while lying down before falling asleep.


I wake up with someone's arms wrapped around me.

Before I freak I out, I quickly recognize Roman's smell and remember what had happened yesterday.

I look at the clock and know that I need to get up to work out.

I sigh and hug Roman tighter, enjoying me being in his hold for a few more minutes.

After another 5 minutes I try to get out of his hold.

Keyword: try

Roman just holds me tighter to him.


"Ro?" I call out again while wiggling in his hold.

"Ro?" Wiggling more.

I hear him groan in a low voice while holding me still by placing his hands on my hips, "don't move like that against me, love" he says in a low voice.

My face immediately heats up, knowing what he means and is referring too.

"Sorry" I mutter embarrassed.

"I need to get up" I then tell him.

He looks at the clock before looking back at me with a look that says he is questioning my sanity.

"It's 5 am" he states.

"Yeah, I need to work out" I tell him.

"Now?" He asks.

"Yeah, I don't have time after school so I do it before." 



"Why everyday?"

"Because I need to"

"What do you mean?" He frowns.

"I need to train and stuff"


"You know, burn off what I eat" I say quietly.

"Baby, why?"

"I just-..I want to look good and be healthy" I tell him.

"You look amazing, love. That won't change by not working out for a day or two." He tells me.

"I know, I think. It just helps with a lot more then just my eating disorder."

"The urge" he says coming to realization.

"Yeah" I tell him.

He just hugs me tighter not knowing what to say or do.

"Do you maybe want to work out together?" I ask him after a couple of seconds.

"Yeah, let's do that" he says giving me a little kiss on the head before we both get out of bed.

We quickly make the bed before changing in some work out clothes and brushing our teeth really quick.

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