Chapter 75

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Taking another deep breath, I put on that mask that had become a part of me in my past before I headed of inside the ballroom.

While walking I could hear the double doors close right behind me as Maxim and Oliver walked a short distance from me too.

I looked straight forward, immediately seeing my whole family standing on the end of the way that I had to walk too.

I made eye contact with dad who gave me a slight comforting nod.

I walked up to him, making sure that the power and dominance was radiating of off me.

After a few seconds I made it too dad and the rest of the family.

As soon as I arrived dad put his arm around me and gave me a little squeeze, "Good job principessa, just breathe, deep breaths." He instructed.

I released the breaths that I didn't realise I was holding and did what dad instructed me to do.

I could feel the eyes staring into me from the other mafias.

Most were looking shocked but also excited and happy.

Soon enough we were approached by all kinds of other mafia's who introduced themselves to me and then started conversations with dad, grandpa, uncle Carlos and uncle Alfa.


It has been a couple of hours of just doing practically nothing...

Well unless if you count thanking and introducing yourself as something.

It has been boring to say the least and it wasn't just me who was thinking that because looking at my brothers and cousins they were thinking the exact same.

Looking at Xavier was funny as hell, he was constantly leaning on others and kept falling asleep, before he then always almost falls and shoots up awake.

Suddenly the man who introduced us all walked back on the stage and grabbed everyone's attention.

"Can Valentina Hernandez step forward on the stage please?" He asked.

I looked at dad and the others alarmed by his question.

"It's okay, go" Elijah said being closed too me.

He gave me a quick kiss on the head and a hug before he gently pushed me in the direction of the stage.

Swallowing and taking a deep breath, I walked further to the stage.

When I arrived, Oliver was standing there too.

He held out his hand which I took and then helped me on the stage.

I walked up to the man who called for me and then hid my trembling hands behind my back so the others couldn't see.

The man gave me a smile before he started talking again, "Tonight Miss. Hernandez is the only one who is going to do the test.-" The crowd started applauding for me when he said that. "-Of course by her being so young she will not kill in here today. Miss. Hernandez if you could follow James there to your changing room to get ready than I'll explain more to the crowd." He pointed in James' direction while talking.

I just gave him a simple nod before looking James in the eyes for a second too long, just to scare him a little and then followed him behind stage.

While walking I could still hear the man's voice speaking but it all slowly faded the further I walked, "Later on the big screen behind you, you will all be able to see what'll happen with Miss. Hernandez with help from all of the cameras that are placed in the rooms. I-..."

James led me to a changing room where the bag that dad had given me in the car was in.

This room was more like a big luxury bathroom to be honest.

There was a shower for me too probably wash off later, a toilet, a vanity with all kinds of products from make-up to hair stuff and much more.

If I didn't explode in the bomb than I would be able to use them later when I would be finished with the test.

Making sure that there weren't any cameras in this room, I started changing.

I took of my clothes and changed into my tight suit.

This suit fitted me perfectly and had multiple pockets to put my gun and throwing knifes in.

When I was done with that, I took of my make-up and then put my hair up in a bun so that it wouldn't agitate me while I'm doing the tests.

I quickly went to the toilet before putting my gun in the holder of my thigh and taking the two throwing knifes that I already had with me and strapped them too on my body.

When I was done with that I took another anxiety pill, just to make sure that I wouldn't start having a panic attack in there later on from all the nerves and stress that was already starting to create.

And yes, I made sure to look at those Medical Guides that come with your pills to see if I could take another one and not possibly die from it.

Soon enough a knock was heard at the door which I opened and was met with James.

"Are you ready Miss. Hernandez?" He asked.

I gave him a thigh nod and said in a cold emotionless voice 'yes'.

He visibly palled not expecting me to sound so cold and stuff.

I guess he didn't expect me too already master those kind of things at this age.

"Follow me." He said before he started walking away again while I followed.

After walking through a few hallways we were met with a big steel door.

He opened it and gestured with his hand for me to go inside.

I did like he said before he closed the door behind me and the announcer man started talking trough the speakers again.

"Miss. Hernandez as you can see the room is parted in two parts by a fence where electricity is connected on. Right in front of you is a table with a laptop on, you will hack into the fence and stop that electricity from electrocuting everyone who touches it. Now on the other side of that fence will be placed a bomb which you will have to defuse and make sure that you don't blow up with it. You will have two choices, you can either climb over the fence or you can hack further into the system and make the fence open on itself. Now keep in mind that you will have other tests after this one so don't waste your energy. Of course you will also have to remember that there is a bomb on the other side which could go of at any moment, we will be remained safe and sound but you,..well you'll probably be dead. Good luck."

The speaker turned off and a big red clock started counting down from 10 to 0.

I quickly ran to the chair and sat down, right when 0 appeared on the clock, I opened the laptop and got to work.

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