Book 2 chapter 47

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We both place them by the front door before we make our way to the dining room.


It's now Saturday and Roman and I are currently getting ready to meet Allesandro's girlfriend over dinner.

I am a little nervous to be honest, to meet her I mean.

Like what if she's really mean or is just using Allesandro. Or what if she is like really really judgmental and when she sees my scars she'll say bad things about it.

Okay, so I'll need to cover my scars.

My anxiety is also acting up, I hate meeting new people. It's so scary and stuff, I just can't deal with that shit.

I just put my bath robe on after I took my shower and am now just looking in my closet for something I can wear.

Since Roman and I had that little scene we have been more affectionate than we were before. Like we had only kissed a few times over the weeks that we've been dating but now that we have done that intimate scene, we've become more...close I guess you could say. Like even though it's only been a day, Roman and I have kissed more and stuff.

Someone walks in my closet and before I can freak out and pull out a knife, I recognize Roman's scent.

Weird but okay.

He smells good, also a weird thing to say but...yes.

I continue looking at some clothes trying to find something that doesn't show scars nor would I- I don't know, scare the girl away.

Jesus why am I freaking out about it so bad.

Roman walks closer, than wraps his arms tightly around my waist.

He places a kiss on my neck, "my love" he greets me than makes me turn around but still holds his hands on my waist.

"Ro" I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

We both lean in and give each other a passionate kiss.

He nibbles on my lip and bites it gently before  swirling his tong over it which cause some friction down there.

Roman pulls me closer to him and way too soon for my liking, we pull away.

I lean my forehead against his while we both breathe heavily.

Roman is taller then me just like my whole family. Over these two years, I haven't really been growing in length like my hips and boobs have grown but like I haven't in height.

So by us standing like this, my head is lifted in the air while he leans down a little.

Soon he just thugs me in his chest while placing his chin on top of my head.

"I love you" he says gently.

"I love you" I tell him honesty only being heard in my voice.

We stay silent for a while and just enjoy being in each other's arms.

"What're you going to wear?" Roman than asks.

"Euhm, I don't know yet" I tell him.

He hums in acknowledgment.

"Want something warm or cold?" He asks.

"Warm, I'm cold right now" I tell him.

He starts to rub my back while tugging me closer to him.

"Okay, something more covering or revealing?" He asks.

"Covering" I quickly answer.

"Mhm, color?" He asks.

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