Book 2 chapter 49

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Roman is way too good for me. He's so sweet and thoughtful, gentle and understanding, so many words to describe him which only makes it more and more obvious that I will never ever deserve him.

Roman and I pull away after a few minutes which is way too soon for our liking. But knowing that we have to get ready for dinner makes us pull away.

We walk to my weapon room and both take guns before tugging them in our clothes at the waistbands.

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You never can never be too safe so taking guns with us is the best thing we can do

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You never can never be too safe so taking guns with us is the best thing we can do.

We both put on our silver colored jewelry.

Me putting on my usual and Roman putting on some rings, a watch, belt and a silver chain.

I also put a jacket on which Roman does too.

After that Roman helps me out with putting on my black heals, than I grab my purse and we leave to go downstairs.

Roman and I will be going with our motorcycles, which is like awesome.

Because riding firefly always releases stress for me and even though my nerves have calmed down a little, it's still all there.

I am also pretty sure that when we are waiting on the girl to come to the restaurant, my nerves will shoot up again.

My family already left since we told them before that we would go with the motorcycles instead of with the cars.

Roman and I walk outside but not before grabbing our keys.

Outside we put our helmets on before both jumping on our bikes.

I make sure that my skirt doesn't rise up and that I can actually place my feet properly on the bike.

Soon we are on the way to the restaurant while the rush of riding at this speed takes over my anxiety.

While swerving through the cars, I meet my families' cars too.

I wave at them which they return, than Roman and I go faster so the rush of excitement only grows.

Way sooner then I would have liked, we arrive.

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