Chapter 32

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Blake's POV.

After Valentina left to go to the bathroom, we started talking about some shipments in the mafia.

In the meantime we were also waiting for the check to come.

Val was taking a pretty long time and I started to get pretty worried.

Just then suddenly we all got a notification on our phone from Valentina's bracelet.

We all looked at each other before rushing to her location.


Valentina's POV.

Jake started kissing me roughly, while I tried to get out of his grip.

I try to yell but can't , Jake just pushed his tong in my mouth when I opened it.

I bit on his tong , hoping he would release me.

He didn't and just started to touch me more.

"Come on princess, just a little fun."

I wasn't fully aware of what was happening either, I still felt so floaty and weak.

I tried to kick him in the balls and scratch his face to get him of off me even though I felt so weird.

When I kicked him in the balls he just fell to the ground but dragged me with him.

Now I was laying on the ground with this man on top of me.

Tears were streaming down my face.

He tried to take my shirt of but I kept struggling hoping that he couldn't do that.

Flashbacks from when Pierre had almost raped me started flashing infront of my eyes.

"Stop struggling, I drugged you why isn't it working" he muttered the last part under his breath.

"You drugged me.....please just stop." I cried out.

He slapped me across my face, making my head hit the ground.

I felt blood streaming down my face from it.

I kept scratching his head and trying to reach my bracelet but I couldn't reach it and definitely not now when I kept trying to push him of off me hoping he couldn't take my clothes of.

There is blood dripping down his face from my struggling and when he finally had enough of it he grabbed my hands and brought them above my head.

He brought my shirt up and started kissing me on my stomach.

"Stop, please stop" I cried out.

I kept crying and trying to get out his hold but it didn't work.

Now with my hands above my head I could reach my bracelet and clicked it 3 times.

He released my hands so he could get lower, so I started trying to push him of off me again.

He tried to take my skirt of but I kept struggling.

I kicked in his private area but that didn't help.

"Stop please" I cried.

He came back up to meet my face and started going to my private area with his hand.

I kept scratching his head and arms trying to get him of off me.

Suddenly Jake was pulled of off me, while...grandma?..took me in her arms.

"Ssshhhhh, you're okay now little dove."

I cried in her shoulder while she cooed me.

"He drugged m-me" I chocked out after I calmed own a bit.

Grandma just kept stroking my back up and down but I started to see black dots appear in my vision.

"G-grandma my head" is the last thing I could say before darkness overtook me.


Rosa's/Grandma's POV.

When we got the notification on our phone's we immediately stood up and followed the instructions on our phone's to her location.

When we got there, I could see my beautiful little dove lying on the ground with that sick fuck Jake on top of her while she tried to get out of the grip.

She kept struggling and scratching him trying to get away.

"Stop please" she cried out lying there.

She kicked him in the balls but the man much bigger than her didn't move.

We ran over there.

My husband Giovanni grabbed his hand from under her skirt and broke his bone and then dragged him of off her.

When Jake came of off Val, I immediately grabbed my granddaughter and pulled her into a hug.

She cried into my shoulder telling me that they drugged her.

The others were pissed as fuck but they just pressed on a pressure point to make Jake pass out.

I think they knew that we didn't need to do anything in front of Valentina, he would get it later.

Some of our men from outside already came and grabbed Jake to bring him to one of the warehouses dungeons.

After about a minute she passed out, but not before saying that her there was something wrong with her head.

I quickly looked down at her head to see blood streaming out of it.

"Guys, hospital now. Give me some cloth."

Immediately I got some cloth and tried to stop the bleeding.

"He drugged her and blood is streaming out of her head." I said quickly.

Her grandpa picked her up before we all ran out of the restaurant to one of the warehouses from Arsenio where a hospital was in located.


Giovanni's/grandpa's POV.

While driving to one of the hospitals, I also called the warehouse to make sure that a bed was ready for Val.

As soon as we arrived we ran inside and I lay Valentina on the bed before they ran away to help her.

We were all worrying about Val, but tried to keep our cool for Matteo.

He didn't see our little dove laying there but he did see her when we ran our of the restaurant with her in my arms.

Matteo was now sleeping on my lap while we waited for news on Valentina.


Eventually the doctor we gave Valentina to came back out to us.

We all stand up, while I said in an emotionless tone "speak"

We can't tolerate being seen as even a little bit of weak, if we are than more people come after us.

He looked scared but spoke nonetheless.

"Drugs were found in her bloodstream, but they didn't really have a big effect on her as they would have on an average person. She lost a lot of blood from her head wound and because of her being malnourished and underweight her body couldn't handle so much blood loss, she passed out. She does have a light concussion. She is still unconscious but you can go see her, she will wake up in a few hours. Her room number is 124 she will be able to leave tomorrow or later today as soon as the drugs is out of her system." She said before excusing herself.

We all went to her private biggest hospital room where we lay Matteo to sleep with her before all going to the dungeons.

Here we come Jake, I hope you're ready.

If you fuck with one of us you, you fuck with us all.

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