Chapter 74

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"Tesoro, wake up honey. We're here" said Lorenzo, waking me up.

I groaned in protest , but opened my eyes.

I looked at Lorenzo confused, "We are here, the ball remember." He spoke gently, pulling me into his warm embrace.

Everything came back, so I nodded my head before breaking the hug apart.

I quickly looked into the mirror to see if my hair and stuff was still okay, luckily it was.

"So everyone knows how they will come out on the red carpet?" Dad asked.

Everyone nodded but me, "red carpet?" I asked unsure.

"Yes, so for the normal people, they all think that this is just a yearly Christmas party for rich famous people. There is a red carpet where we will all walk on in a minute just like all the others. We are going from youngest too oldest inside, except for you Val. You will just stalk beside me on the red carpet because it's your first time and we don't want to overwhelm you with all the paparazzi." Dad spoke, clearing up my confusion.

"Okay" I said.

"Okay we are after the car that is now walking out on the red carpet." Xavier said while looking outside.

I quickly open my purse and take one of my anxiety pills, I was already freaking out and then the paparazzi in a minute will not help.

When I closet my purse again, Xander and Xavier already stood up and started walking to the door of the limousine.

The car came to a stop and a few seconds later, a bodyguards opened the limousine door.

Xander and Xavier put their emotionless face on and walked outside together.

Right after them, Blake also went out, he too setting that emotionless facade on his face.

After him followed Antonio, Lorenzo, Elijah and then Allesandro.

Dad and I were now supposed to walk out.

I knew that word still wasn't out about me being back with the Hernandez family.

No one knew about my returning except for my family and our mafia's.

I nervously looked at dad who gave me a comforting smile.

"It's going to be okay" He said before also putting the emotionless face on which I followed.

Dad walked out of the limousine but not before giving me a kiss on the head.

When dad walked out, I walked out right after him.

He reached his hand in front of me which I took and then helped me out of the car.

I quickly fixed my dress and linked my arm with dads' before we started walking on the red carpet.

Immediately all kinds of paparazzi's started firing questions at us.

My heart was going faster and faster the longer I was being asked all these questions and the blinding lights from the camera's were being flashed in my face, luckily I had taken an anxiety pill before because if I didn't...let's not think about that shall we.

"Who is this girl who's walking with you?!!"

"Is this your lost daughter?!!"

"Who designed your clothes for tonight, madam?!!"

"Is it true that-..!!!"

I blocked all the noise out and walked together with dad to the entrance of this building.

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