Chapter 51

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"Atlas" I breathed out a broken whisper.

I turned around and just stared at him for a second while tears ran down my face.

Over the years he grew and gained more muscular, but he seemed broken, sad but at the same time happy seeing me again.

He left us. He left me and Amy alone, he never said goodbye he just left us.

Sudden rage took over, my face going stone cold.

"You left us, left us alone. Not even a goodbye, you just left." I walked closer to him and punched him in the face. His face turned too the side but he didn't try to stop me, a few gasps were heard around the room.

"You know I've been alone for years, after you left they got Amy and her parents. And you just left us, I thought I was going to die, I had no one after you guys. You left and everything became worse. How could you do that." I cried out.

"How could you just leave." Rage completely gone, now replaced with nothing but sadness.

Altas wrapped his arm around me, "I know, I know. I shouldn't have left, but I had no choice. I didn't want to say goodbye, because it would hurt too much. I knew that if I would say goodbye, I wouldn't be able to leave. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Val." He cried into my shoulder.

We just stood there hugging each other for a while, "Wat is er gebeurd met Amy?" Atlas asked in Dutch.

(What happened to Amy? - translation)

"We hadden afgesproken voor een project op school, zij vonden het uit en kwamen achter ons aan. John had mijn nek dichtgeknepen en liet mij flauwvallen. Ik kon niet zien wat er gebeurde, maar toen ik weer wakker werd helemaal bebloed en in elkaargeslagen zeiden ze dat ze hun hadden vermoord maar ik geloof hun niet Atlas. Ik weet dat ze niet dood is, zij liegen niet goed. Ze leeft nog." I said also speaking in Dutch now.

(We had met for a project for school, they found out and came after us. John chocked me until I passed out. I couldn't see what was happening, but when I woke up again covered in blood and beat up they said that they had killed them but I don't believe them Atlas. I know she isn't dead, they lie terribly. She is still alive. - translation)

He just hugged me in response, muttering in my hair that we will find her. I just nodded, hugging him tight.

"We will...I'm sorry" I muttered against his shoulder after a few seconds.

"Why" he let out a chuckle.

"I slapped you" I mumbled, wiping my tears.

He just laughed, "oh that, you have a nasty right hook, dam girl I'm going to have a bruise."

My expression turned into one full of worry before I grabbed his face in my hands and examined his cheek.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. No, yes...I meant it in that moment because of the rage but not anymore."

"It hurts" He whined.

I stepped closer and gave him a kiss of the forming bruis, "here, now it will heal extra fast." I gave him a big smile which he returned.

Right after I said that I felt someone grab me from behind, making me let out a shriek.

I immediately recognised the voice when he talked.

"No kissing between you too. Friends at most understand. Don't you start thinking anything in that little head boy, don't touch my granddaughter. I swear to god I mean it, I'll hunt you down if you hurt her again, because looking at what I had witnessed right now you already did. You two = friends." Grandpa threatened him making him gulp.

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