Chapter 101

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(Don't forget to read the end, it's important)

Arsenio's POV.

One minute went by, nothing.

Another minute went by, still nothing.

The paramedics started to give up, I could see it.

What, no

"NO keep going!!! If she dies, I'll kill you all!!" I screamed  

Immediately the paramedics got back to work and continued with the CPR.

Another paramedic was trying to stop the heavy bleeding from some wounds, when another paramedic came inside the room with a defibrillator.

All the paramedics prepared Val for the shocks that would be going through her body in a minute.

"Charge too 80" the paramedic who was doing CPR said.

The man who brought the defibrillator in here, quickly did what he was told before the CPR paramedic yelled " clear" and everyone let Val's body go.

A shock was pulsed through her making her body go up a little with the defibrillator before harshly falling back to the ground.

The paramedics all did different things now, one went back to stopping the bleeding and another checked her pulse and more.

The CPR guy shook his head, indicating that there was still no heart beat.

A loud sob came out of my wife's mouth seeing that. "no Val, please baby wake up" I cried out stroking her head.

The CPR guy yelled "charge too 100" which that other paramedic followed.

"Clear" I let go with the others and brought my wife back into a big hug.

Then the same shock went through her body, the sound of her head banging against the ground echoed through the cell.

Again was there looked for a pulse which again wasn't found. "Again" was screamed out from the paramedic.


"Give 5 mg of epi" was called out before it was injected in her body.

"Charge too 120" was yelled before the shock went through her.

The paramedic pressed his fingers against her neck while we waited impatiently.

Suddenly a little smile broke out on the paramedic's face "there's a pulse, but very weak. We need to get going to the hospital immediately."

Relieved sobs sounded across the room.

Val got turned on her stomach and immediately some gauze was placed on her back to try and stop that heavy bleeding.

The white cloth immediately started turning red from the blood that rushed out of her.

Some compression bands were placed on top while another paramedic ran out of the room.

Soon the paramedic came back with a stretcher spines board.

Val was again quickly turned around and before I could even process what was happening they rushed Val out the room with her strapped on that board.

My wife and I stood up, just like the others when Amy lost her balance because of the condition she is in.

Xavier quickly reached out and picked her up, " it's okay, I've got her." He told us.

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