Chapter 60

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-BANG, the sound echoed through the cell.

Shocked faces with pride turned to me.

"That's for shooting for me." I said as I looked her dead in the eye.

She looked scared and tried to stop the bleeding which wasn't working.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you don't die...yet. I'll come back and make the rest of your life horrible, just like how you made mine for years. I'll make you suffer as much as you had let me suffer before you die by most painful dead you can imagine.-" I turned to the rest of their friends and other people that came over a lot to hurt me, "- The same goes for you, all of you." I spat out pointing at them before walking away, out of the cell.

Their faces of pure terror was like nothing I've imagined before, I felt so powerful so good seeing them like that, standing so tall and strong in front of them.

As I walked out though, I could just feel one of those men, one of their friends start taunting me.

I turned back around and shot him too, before walking out completely and finding my way back to the stairs away from the cells.

On my way out, I turned to one of the guards who just witnessed everything that happened, he looked at me with pride and all sorts of happy emotions, "make sure they don't die, but give them hell on earth. They can die when I say so, understand?" I demanded.

"Yes ma'am."

"Valentina, please just call me Valentina."

He smiled before saying, "okay...Valentina."

I smiled back before walking up the stairs, gun still in my hand with blood dripping from my busted knuckles and more.

As I stood by the door leading to downstairs where the cells were, I leaned against the wall.

What have I done?

It felt good, yeah amazing, but....I don't know.

Deep down I knew it was wrong, but I didn't feel wrong.

It felt good, right even.

It was like I was craving that power, and now that I've had a taste of it just a little bit.....

I want more, need more to survive it feels.

As I was lost in my own mind, I didn't even notice that the rest of the family came out of the basement and were now just staring and looking at me, who was just leaning against the wall before, but somehow ended up sitting against it with my hands around my knees, gun still in my hands.

Someone tapped my shoulder, making me look up, snapping out of my thoughts.


It was dad who tapped me on my shoulder.

He kneeled down and sat next to me on the floor.

"Are you okay" He asked as he threw his arm around me, making me lean against him, cuddling in his warmed.

"Yeah, I think I am." I answered back.

Dad slowly reached to my hand where the gun was in and held it together with me.

I looked back at dad who looked down at me, "You can let go now honey, you can let go now." He said gently stroking my arm with the arm that was wrapped around me.

I loosened my grip on the gun and let him take it from me.

He cuddled me more into him, "omg, what did I do?" I said shocked as I let everything sink in, "oh god."

Dad took me in his arms, "you did nothing wrong principessa, nothing."

"But I hurt them and-..."

"And?" Dad asked when I didn't keep talking.

"And-..I don't know dad. For some reason it felt good, I felt good. It felt good seeing them like that I felt powerful against them. And I liked it, I don't know why or how, but it felt good and I want to feel it more like a graving. After everything that they did to me it felt good. I meant what I said, every word. Dad I don't ever want people, kids to be hurt like I was. I want those kind of people gone, I want to help those children. I want to punish people that do those kind of things to children, to innocent little kids. I just-...I don't even know.."

"So what you hurt them, they hurt you and a lot of other people. They aren't good people, and it's okay that you felt good by hurting them. they've done horrible things where you were the victim of, you now wanting to punish them and others who do the same thing is normal. You can do that, just like we do. I know how good it can feel to bring justice for all those innocents, but you can't get too caught up in doing it principessa that's the only thing I'm going to say of it. If you want to bring justice too others and yourself you can find other bad people and seek justice for those who can't do it themselves or you can pretend that nothing happened today and forget all about it. But I think we both know that that would not be what you would want is it? You want to join, you want to join the mafia and seek and bring justice don't you?"

"Yeah, I think I do dad. I think that I want to join the mafia."

"Than it's settled than, we'll start the full training and when you're done doing that and completed the test than you will get yours and others justice in the way you seek if you succeed. Okay principessa?"

"Yes, that sounds good."

"Now I want you to think about this a little longer just to be entirely sure, so than you can give your final answer tomorrow."

"Okay dad." I agreed.

Dad stood back up and reached out his hand for me to take.

I accepted it and pulled myself up with it before dad took my gun again and placed it in my hands.

I held to gun in my hands and looked at it a little longer than needed before putting it back in the holder on my thigh.

I didn't feel weird or scared of the gun, I didn't feel any different too it now that I've had used it on a real human being.

Well you can't really call them human beings but still.

I looked back up and looked to the rest of the family, they were all smiling and held joy in their features.

Was it because I'm now joining the mafia too,

Or because I could face my past without feeling triggered

....I don't know, but I do feel better.

And I'm glad that I'm now joining the mafia too, I'll finally be able to bring my justice, others justice for what those kind of monsters do.

And I'll be dammed happy doing it.

Punishing them.

Hurting them,

like they did to me.

The Long Lost Mafia PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now