Chapter 43

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Books....Let's talk about books.

They're amazing aren't they.

How you can forget about everything around you, by just reading.

It's like you're living in another world for a while and it is awesome.

It can make you feel so good, the perfect distraction.

I could ramble about books forever but a knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts.

I opened the door and was met with Allesandro.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked opening the door completely so he could come through.

"Yeah, thanks baby" He said coming in.

I closed the door behind him and walked up to my bed were I was laying before he knocked on the door.

He grabbed a chair and placed it in front of my bed.

"you okay?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, just...shocked I think"

"I'm sorry about Elijah" He apologised.

"It's fine, deep down I always knew this was going too happen and you don't need to apologise." I said gently.

"Why, I did you know that this was going to happen?" He asked.

"I don't know, I guess that deep down I always just knew. Not everyone was going to react at all this the same. Everyone had different reactions, but I never really expected Elijah to react like he did. The second we heard that shit, Elijah pulled his hand away that was rubbing my back trying to stop my nerves and he hasn't looked at me since than. Didn't say a word to me or looked at me the whole ride home than we come here and it's just like he's rubbing it in. With every answer he gave he kept saying something about that stupid feeding tube that the doctor would put in if I don't eat.

It's not like this is easy for me either. I feel perfectly fine and now I'm supposed to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks a day when I don't need food for another 3 weeks to start getting hungry. I don't like this more than you guys do. I at least aspected Elijah to react with some kind of support but no he just didn't. If I don't eat, that stupid doctor decides that I need to go to the hospital and they'll put a tube full of calories in my body. I don't want that Allesandro. I really don't. Please, I know I won't be able to eat so much."

He stood up from his chair and walked over to me.

He picked me up and placed me on his lap.

"I know that it won't be easy. But if you go into this already thinking that you'll fail than it will, try to think otherwise. Maybe with all the pills for the rest and the working out than eventually it'll get better. It's not going to be easy, and you can trust on me that I'll be there every step of the way I promise.

It's probably going to get worse before it gets better but I'll be there helping you okay. Why Elijah did that...I don't know, he was probably just surprised. He's a doctor too sorellina, when he heard about your weight he probably got really scared for you. I'm not telling excuses for Elijah, but the doctor in him came out which made him act like that. He doesn't want you to die, he knows the consequences for being so underweight.

He's scared, we all are bambina. We all want you to get better and it's scary hearing all these things. We just want you to get better hun. He wasn't rubbing it in, he was making sure that you knew what the consequences would be like if you didn't try. But I know you will try, and if you need a feeding tube at one point, that's okay. We will still be here for you. You already doing what you did today means that you want to try and that's what matters. That you try honey. Just try, okay?"

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