Chapter 5

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You know that feeling, in your gut. When you know something is wrong but you can't put your finger on the reason why. Well that's your intuition it gives you a warning sign. Most of the time it's right, and with me it's always right. I can't explain how or why, but I don't have a good feeling about this. With my 'parents' or other people, I can always tell what their intentions are but right now I don't. Remember when I said earlier that I observe people, to get to know their intentions and stuff. Well the only thing these people have is pity in their eyes. Except for these 8 men, it's like...I can't put my finger on it but they radiate a hell lot of power. And if you look deep enough it's a bit of happiness in their eyes. I...-

"They aren't my real parents!?" I practically yelled/stated.

I looked around, to all the other people. "can someone please explain what is going on. Am I going to foster care? And what do you mean that they aren't my parents? Did they adopt me when I was younger or..?"

"hey calm down sweetie." The woman with the skirt told me while approaching me and sitting in the chair next to me.

I gave her a questioning look, motioning for her to explain.

"I know this is a lot, but you have to listen to me okay hun?-" I nodded while she started to explain "- first of all my name is Kim. So how do I say this. When you were born you were living with your parents and brothers. When you were a year old, you were kidnapped from them and they have been looking for you ever since. The Williams who you thought were your parents aren't your real parents they kidnapped you when you were a child. Now that they have died, the police looked in the system with your DNA, that's how we found this all out. This man-" she pointed to the oldest man who had a suit on "- is your real father who has been looking for you since you were kidnapped. And these are your brothers-" pointing to the other men in suits. "- to explain this short. I know it's a lot, but you will be living with them from now on."

I looked at the men, who apparently are my brothers and father. I don't know what to feel right now I went to all of this abuse because I was kidnapped. I...I don't know what to feel. I mean I'm relieved, but mad because they kidnapped me and shocked. It's just so much right now.

"Valentina?" the woman who I now know as Kim snapped me out of my thoughts.


"Are you okay sweetie?"

"yeah, I-I'm fine. Just a lot to take in." I answered back while looking her in the eyes. I'm feeling too much right now. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I feel like I might get a panic attack, my whole life is a lie.

"what happens now?" I ask after a minute.

She coughed before answering. "Well you are going to pack your bags and empty your locker. Then you will be taking a plane with your family, and go to your new home in New York"

My eyes went wide, "New York?" "yes bambina, and the plane leaves in an hour or so. So we need to get going." My real father answered.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples.

Maybe this is good, I mean the change. Knowing that those monsters aren't my real family is a good thing. I will be with my real family and can start over, which means no one will now about the abuse. I can do this. I can finally start over.

Smiling to myself, and thinking that this cruelty of an abusive life is finally over. I stand up.

"okay, I'll leave with you guys, I'll go empty my locker. Is there any paperwork left or.."

"no hun, while you were in school your father already did everything. You're good to go." Kim answered back smiling.

I gave her a small smile back, while she and the police both go away and leave us.

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