Chapter 94

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Two men took off to the back of the store where Oliver is.


Then suddenly another man walked in, he too grabbed his gun and covered his face.

The two remaining men stayed in the front, "Get on the ground!!" The first man screamed.

Everyone in the store, me included quickly fell to the ground except for one person.

The woman who kept standing now ran too one of the men, trying to take him out.

But before she got even in arm reach of him, the man shot her.

Screams filled the store from other people, witnessing the woman fall to the ground.

There weren't many people in the store though, only about 5 people, the cashier included.

"Give me all the money you have in there!!" Demanded the man while pointing from the cashier to the cash register.

The cashier kept sitting on the ground, sobbing.

I quickly pressed 3 times on my bracelet, remembering what dad had said if anything would happen.

The cashier was still crying and shaking not moving to help the robbers.

"If you don't want to die, I suggest that you give us the damm money!!" He screamed while stepping closer to the cashier, pointing the gun at her head.

No, no, no

"I said!! To give me the money!!" The man screamed again, before shooting an innocent little kid who was here with his mother.

"NO!" His mother screamed, covering the kids' gunshot wound.

As soon as a gun shot went off in the back and the two man turned to look there, I stood up grabbing my gun in the progress before shooting both men in the head, killing them in the progress.

Oh god

I just killed two people.

I stood there in chock, my gun still in my hand.

Then suddenly the doors bursted open.

Dad ran inside with grandpa, my uncles and most of my brothers.

"Oh god, what did I do" I whispered, voice breaking.

I let my gun drop to the floor, my hands were shaking, I noticed when I looked at them.

I looked at the kid who was bleeding out and the woman who was now already dead.

The cashier was still shaking and crying on the floor, just like three other people.

The two men dressed in black with hoods on their faces were now lying in a pool of their own blood, dead.

I did that.

I killed those men.

Oliver had now also arrived to the front of the store, he was also covered in blood.

Not his own though, no it was the blood of the two people who had run to the back a few moments ago.


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