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Yesterday after Su Mu heard what Huang Xuan said, he immediately sent people out of the city to investigate Tian Guohai and the leader of the southeast army. And the result was, there was indeed some clues to be found.

Tian Guohai accepted Shi kingdom's 100,000 shi of grain and grass supply aid, and the southeast army was directly a puppet controlled by Shi kingdom.

The temperature in the study room dropped instantly.

When Su Mu got the detailed information about Shi Ran's life, he had to admire the other in his heart.

Shi Ran was sent as a political hostage to the Wu kingdom at the age of seven. During this period, he was no different from any other hedonistic son of the privileged class of nobility, but he won the heart of Princess Hongyun of Wu kingdom. After the death of the emperor of Shi, Wu kingdom helped Shi Ran ascend the throne of the Shi kingdom.

After returning to Shi kingdom, Shi Ran completely revealed his wolfish side. None of his 23 brothers escaped his claws, and among Shi Ran's uncles, only a few useless ones were allowed to live. The entire royal family of the Shi kingdom was cut by more than half by him.

In just fifteen years, Shi kingdom had grown from a vassal state of Wu kingdom to a giant that could compete with Wu kingdom.

Shi Ran was indeed a ruthless person.

Su Mu's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he sneered as he looked at the information in his hand: "Unfortunately, you met me."

Throwing down the report in his hand, Su Mu called out to the door: "Call Shi Nuo to come over."

A moment later, a young man in black walked into Su Mu's study and knelt down: "Chen, Shi Nuo, pays respects to Your Highness."

Su Mu walked out from behind the desk and looked at Shi Nuo indifferently: "Kill all the blood relatives of Prince Jinyang in Jinyang City."

The handsome young man didn't even blink his eyes, and immediately disappeared in front of Su Mu after taking the order.

Looking at the door where Shi Nuo disappeared, Su Mu's eyes seemed to see an enemy tens of thousands of miles away. His voice was indifferent and ruthless, as if he came from the abyss of hell.

"If you want to control the pawns on my chessboard, then I will leave you with no pawns to control."

On a night three days later, several gorgeous mansions in Jinyang City exuded a frightening and heavy scent of blood.

Shi Ran was able to control the army by controlling the people in the upper echelons of Jinyang City, but at this moment, these people were all dead. The guards sent by Shi Ran only arrived a few days ago. How could the local tyrants of Jinyang City let an outsider assert power over them?

Jinyang City was now without any master and quickly spun out of control, completely plunged into chaos. In order to fight for power, those few small fish and shrimps remaining had no intention of caring about Shi kingdom or Wu kingdom. As a result, Shi Ran could only watch the army of Wu kingdom pass through Jinyang City completely unobstructed.

"This subordinate deserve to die, Your Majesty, please punish us." The several guards knelt behind Shi Ran and pleaded guilty.

Shi Ran stood without emotion in his eyes and said: "After you return, go to Shi Tower to receive your punishment."

Despite having seen many hellish scenes, when they heard the word "Shi Tower", the hearts of every one of the guards trembled.

Shi Ran looked at the army of the Wu kingdom passing through Jinyang City like a long winding snake, and knew that the plan for the Qing kingdom and the Wu kingdom to consume each other's military strength had completely failed. There was a fierce undercurrent surging in his pupils, and a chilling smile appeared on his face.

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