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Luohuang City, County Residence

Shangguan Hao held a white letter in silence.

When the other people in the study saw that Shangguan Hao hadn't said a word for a long time, they stood up anxiously and asked, "General, what did the beast Su Mochi write?"

Shangguan Hao raised his head and said, "Actually, I don't know?"

"Ah?!" The questioner was dumbfounded.

Shangguan Hao handed him the letter, and then this military officer instantly became furious. "What exactly does Su Mochi mean? He doesn't put us in his eyes, actually humiliating us like this!"

Other people went up and took a look, and they were immediately conflicted.

On the snow-white paper, the messy ink splotches were twisted this way and that way like ghost symbols. No one could understand what was written. It was even worse than what a three-year-old kid could write.

An old gentleman shook his head in deep lament and said: "The Emperor is muddleheaded and incompetent, the Crown Prince is uneducated, the kingdom in their hands will sooner or later be conquered by the neighboring countries. General Shangguan we have just gained a victory, it is the perfect timing to go on the offensive! As long as we occupy Luohuang City and the surrounding cities and cut off the supply of food, the imperial city will inevitably be thrown in upheaval. It is the perfect opportunity to capture and kill the dog Emperor and Crown Prince!"

"The people's popular sentiment in the imperial city had long been in upheaval, but Su Mochi is still perfectly unharmed and intact. Why is this?"

Shangguan Hao glanced around and seeing no one answered, he then said: "Because of his high martial arts, and in order to continue the unscrupulous corruption and perverting of the law, the traitorous officials in the imperial court must set up a shield and protect him as well. Besides, even if we occupy the imperial city, I won't be able to catch Su Mochi or kill him. When that happens, and he is driven into a corner he will kill us all one by one, and still he will be able to live well. Su Mochi sent a messenger to spread the word if we dared to seize other cities, he will slaughter Luohuang City."

"Su Mochi, that beast! Then should we just watch the displacement and starvation of the people of Qing kingdom?"

Shangguan Hao clenched his fists tightly, and stared into the distance, saying decisively: "No, I will hang the heads of the dog Emperor and Crown Prince at the entrance of the market to pay tribute to all those who died in grievance because of their actions."

Shangguan Hao revealed a bloodthirsty smile and said: "It won't be long before this day will come."

After seeing Shangguan Hao's terrifying smile, everyone suddenly felt fear.

Realizing his loss in composure, Shangguan Hao immediately hid his emotions and said to those sitting around him: "You don't need to worry, the Lord Master has set everything up. It won't take long before we can seize the capital and capture the dog Emperor and Crown Prince alive. All we have to do now is to wait."

Su Mu knew that his goal was achieved after hearing from the messenger.

At the same time, Chen Wei, the general who volunteered to lead the army during morning assembly, offended Su Mochi somehow, and all his family members were secretly executed, and Chen Wei himself had disappeared.

Three months later, Chen Wei, who took 50,000 soldiers and fled overnight, occupied the northern Bailu County and announced his rebellion of the imperial court.

In this way, Qing kingdom can be said to be surrounded on all sides and in a dangerous state, the Su royal family about to collapse at any time.

After knowing of the incident, the Crown Prince flew into a rage and violently killed more than a dozen people in the Crown Prince's Palace, and violently demolished half of it before quelling his anger. Among these dozen people included the Crown Prince's royal bodyguard Han Yi.

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