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I tapped my knuckles on the door of Room 310, trying my best to stabilize my shaky breaths. The door inched open, and I was met face to face with the man I had come to see. He seemed almost surprised to see me standing in front of him, but quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, eyes scanning the hallway for onlookers.

For a moment, he continued to hold my hand in his, staring down at me, unspeaking. He pulled me into him, encircling me with his arms and sucking in a deep breath. "I wasn't expecting you," he sighed out gently. I stepped further in and wrapped my arms around his waist, head laid against his chest.

I wanted to stay there motionless, just enjoying the pure bliss of his embrace, but I knew that there were things that I had to say to him. I forced myself to pull away and met his eyes. "I wanted to come," I mumbled, unable to fully muster up my confidence.

Jungkook led me over to take a seat on his couch so that we could speak comfortably. I took in the view of his room for the first time. It was dark, modern, and simple- it suited him perfectly. I plopped down next to him, close enough, but farther than I wanted to be.

"Before you say anything, let me speak to you honestly," Jungkook spoke seriously. "I know it may have felt like I was toying with you," he continued, biting his lip. "...but it wasn't my intention." He looked so nervous; I had never seen him this rattled.

"Jungkook, I-"

"Maybe I'm too late to explain things," he blinked rapidly with a pained expression. "I know that I am, but I wanted you to know that I really do care for you- it isn't a game." Oh my god. Did he think I came here to reject him?

"I'm not sure why you think I came here, but I'm certain you have the wrong idea..." I started.

Jungkook interrupted before I could continue, "You've been avoiding me." At this point, I wanted to strangle the damn idiot, because if he would just let me explain, I would be telling him just how madly, crazy I was for him. "I know that you have feelings for Jimin, so..."

I was mentally facepalming. How could this man be so deadly intimidating when flirting and yet so delicately adorable with his insecurities at the same time? "Listen, Jungkook, frankly you don't know...well, anything," I chuckled. He furrowed his brows, obviously confused.


"I didn't come here to tell you I have feelings for Jimin- I don't." I scooted closer to him, taking his hand in mine. "I came here because no matter how much I try to stop...I can't stop thinking about you," I spoke struggling to meet his eyes. "It's you. It's been you for longer than I'm willing to admit."

Jungkook sucked in his bottom lip, trying to hold back his beaming smile, against all odds. He buried his head against my shoulder, laughing cheerfully, and I couldn't help but look down at him affectionately, seeing his reaction. I ran my fingers through his silky hair and leaned my cheek against his head. "Now, you may speak again," I chuckled.

He raised his head, meeting my eyes. "I don't think I want to, actually." His timid demeanor had dissipated- his eyes now fiery with renewed confidence.

"Oh?" I raised my eyebrow, doubting that the man who I couldn't get to shut up earlier was suddenly at a loss for words.

"Nope," he grinned, running his fingers down the side of my cheek. His unexpected touch sent shivers down my spine. His fingers traced my jaw, his eyes traveling with them, before he rested his hand on the back of my neck. He pulled me towards him, lips crashing down on mine. Oh.

Warmth shot through my body like a sudden spark. His kiss was gentle, slow, at first, but rapidly increasing in ferocity and desire as I moved my lips along with his. We pulled apart in unison, both looking for the sweet relief of oxygen that we had deprived ourselves of, only to be ripped from the moment of passion by a furious knocking at the door.

Jungkook, still close enough that I could smell the sweet mint of his breath, let out a groan of irritation. "I think they will go away." He leaned back in to place his lips on mine but was once again interrupted by the incessant pounding on the door.

"Maybe you should answer it," I said, eyes still closed in anticipation of his kiss.

"I'd sooner die," he chuckled against my lips, pulling my body in closer. My chest leaned up against his own as I drank him in once more. This close, I could almost hear the vibrations of his pulsing heart pressed against me.

Like clockwork, firsts slammed down on the door yet again. Jungkook pecked me one last time on the lips before rising from the couch. "Stay right there," he winked.

Upon opening the door, Jungkook was met with a clearly frustrated Kim Namjoon. "What are you even doing in here? We have a serious problem!" Namjoon shouted in irritation, before peering past Jungkook and into the room. Our eyes met and I froze like a deer in headlights. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me," Namjoon groaned, pushing past Jungkook into the room and closing the door behind him.

"Uh- hello," I waved awkwardly from the couch.

Despite his obvious exasperation, Namjoon spared me a greeting. "Hi, Y/N." I was surprised by the fact that he knew my name but chose to think nothing of it.

I stood from the couch, ready to escape the tense situation and excuse myself back to my own room. "I will go so you two can take privately," I said with a farewell bow.

"Oh, no, you should probably stay," Namjoon replied seriously. "You are actually the star of our little situation."

I plopped myself back down on the couch and furrowed my brows at Namjoon, listening intently for him to explain what he meant. Jungkook joined my side, giving my knee a squeeze, which gave me a slight relief of comfort- but ultimately, he looked just as confused as I did.

"What's going on?" Jungkook spoke up. He rested his head in his hands, pondering the situation. "Did someone see Y/N come in here?" he asked raising his head with widened eyes. I could see him playing through a million different scenarios in his head.

Namjoon shook his head. "No, I actually didn't know she would be in here, that's...a new development." He rubbed the side of his jaw, considering his words carefully. "Sorry, if this makes things weird, but someone, we think a reporter, saw you outside alone with Jimin," he spoke, looking at me.

My face turned a ghastly white as all the implications of being seen alone with Jimin rushed through my head. "How did they even get on the property?" I asked, choking on my words. I turned to face Jungkook, hoping that he wasn't jumping to false conclusions. I looked him in the eyes, "I was speaking to him privately to tell him that I couldn't accept his feelings."

Jungkook patted my head tenderly. "I know."

"We aren't sure how they got past security at this point- but our team is personally pursuing legal action against the individual," Namjoon responded to my question. He cast his eyes down, nibbling at his bottom lip. "The issue is, the show producers are considering having you 'drop out' of the competition, to avoid the mess entirely."

I gulped down my saliva, a painful heaviness rising my throat as tears threatened to well up in my eyes. This could all be over in the blink of an eye- all because of a misunderstanding. Sure, being here now with Jungkook was playing a dangerous game in and of itself, but I had chosen this myself. Having my perfectly normal actions misjudged was something completely different. I cursed myself for being so stupid. I should have just talked to him inside. Even if staff or other contestants had overheard our words, that still would have been better than having a stranger spot us outside. The beauty of NDA.

"I will deal with what comes," I sighed out. "I know you can't help me- it would only make things look worse." I had to hope with every fiber of my being that I would be spared. This day had turned into something truly bittersweet. Sharing my feelings with Jungkook could be made meaningless. Coming here to chase after a hopeless dream...meaningless.

My Muse [Jungkook x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora