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Da-Eun began to announce the rankings of the contestants in the same format as before- leaving the 7th and 1st places for last. She listed names off slowly, while contestants made their way to the opposite side of the stage amidst eruptions of applause. 6...5...4...3... Mina's name was called for third rank, and I watched her push back a feeling of disappointment as she made her way past Da-Eun.

3 more spots left. I wasn't confident that I would be in the top, so I set myself on hoping for the 7th rank. 2nd place was called- still nothing. I bit down hard on my lip and fiddled with the sides of my dress to keep my hands occupied.

"Our first-place ranking..." Da-Eun leaned in with a pause. "Y/N!"

I looked up in complete astonishment as I heard my name leave Da-Eun's lips. I looked past her to Mina who was making little hearts with her fingers in my direction and cheering loudly for me. I made my way to Mina's side and gave her hand a squeeze- mouthing how much I couldn't believe what happened.

Da-Eun finished announcing the contestant ranked 7th and moved those of us who remained back to the center of the stage. "I will now announce the first rank benefit!" I focused completely on her words. "As you know, the next stage is focused on dance and choreography..." Da-Eun began. "You will again be partnering with a member of BTS for the next stage. However, this time, you will perform with them!"

Murmurs shot through the crowd- a combination of excitement and nervousness. Mina giggled at me excitedly and gave a little dance. "I want to dance with Hoseok," she whispered to me. She held up her crossed fingers with a hopeful smile.

"You will be selecting your partner in order of ranking," Da-Eun spoke up. She motioned me forward. All the members of BTS were standing to the left side of the stage. I gave them a quick, nervous glance.

I had a million thoughts rushing through my head. On one hand- some part of me wanted to choose Jungkook as my partner again. He was an incredibly skilled dancer, and more than that, I couldn't help myself from wanting to spend more time with him. I looked over to him, contemplating my decision. Our eyes met, and he gave me a small smile. On the other hand, I didn't want to make things weird for either of us by continually partnering with him. I also already had a vision for my performance planned out, and there was simply someone who suited that vision more...

With a deep inhale, I spoke, "I will be partnering with Jimin for my stage." I knew Jimin had experience with contemporary dance, which was a perfect fit for the choreography that I had in mind. His artistic and fluid movements would be a huge benefit.

I could not stop my eyes from shifting over to Jungkook- gauging his reaction. I watched as he pushed his tongue into the side of his cheek, blinking his eyes rapidly. He pursed his lips into a straight line- a slight annoyance reading across his face. I quickly averted my eyes and gave Jimin a wave as he walked over to join me.

The male contestant in 2nd rank chose Hoseok as his partner. I peered over at Mina who was cursing under her breath. I knew Mina struggled with dance and she was really looking forward to partnering with someone she was comfortable with so that she wouldn't feel awkward asking for help.

Mina turned her head to me before she was called up to choose her partner. "Is it okay?" she mouthed to me, cocking her head in the direction of Jungkook. I nodded in response. I felt a twinge of jealousy- even though I knew this was my own fault. I felt relieved, at least, that it was Mina who was partnered with Jungkook, and not a stranger.

After everyone had partnered up, we were all directed to head to private studios to begin planning our performances right away. I sat down on the cold, hard floor and turned to face Jimin. "I would like to do a routine to Taemin's Criminal."

"That's a good choice- definitely challenging. What did you have in mind?" he asked curiously.

"I am planning a contemporary routine. There will be a lot of juxtaposition between powerful, hard moves, and soft, delicate moves. It will also involve a lot of partner and floor work- if that's okay?" I rambled off.

"Wow, you must be very confident in dance," Jimin exclaimed. "You already have a plan and we just sat down," he laughed lightly.

I scratched the back of my head, a bit uncomfortable at his words. I didn't want to seem smug, but dance was in fact the area I felt most confident in. "I choreographed for a dance studio, back home," I explained. A warm smile spread across my face as I thought of my students. I missed them deeply, and I wanted to make them proud to have me as an instructor with this performance.

"I hope you will teach me well, then," he said placing a hand on my shoulder. He stood up and offered me a hand, "Let's stretch and begin."

We spent most of the day bouncing ideas back and forth and getting comfortable dancing with each other. I was used to dancing with many different people, so I didn't feel shy in Jimin's presence. He was extremely professional, listening to everything I was saying clearly. His bright personality did help to keep the atmosphere light. He would often joke around and dance silly moves. I appreciated his attempts to get me out of my head when I would get stuck on parts of the choreography.

After hours of practice, we laid down on the studio floor to take a break and drink some water. My chest heaved up and down as I worked to steady my breath. This routine was tough- even with my experience. I gulped down a swig of water and stretched out my muscles. The door to our studio burst open, nearly causing me to choke.

"Wah, I came to spy on you and you're not even dancing!" Mina shouted as she stomped inside. I truly envied the boldness she possessed to constantly burst through doors with no warning.

"Do you really want to see?" I cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, we'd love to," a voice spoke out from behind Mina. Jungkook had entered in behind her and was now standing in the studio with his arms crossed.

Jimin jumped up from his spot on the floor and brushed his pants off. "I would hate to scare off the competition...but if you insist," he said jokingly. He offered me a hand up again and nudged me into position.

As we readied ourselves for the music to start- I watched as Jimin's eyes grew dark and serious. He was like a different person when he performed. I, too, focused myself. Even if this was just for a bit of fun, seeing him like that, I wanted to give it my all.

We started on the floor on our knees, similar to the original choreography, with delicate moves. Transitioning into sharp, powerful movements, we reached out to each other, intertwining our arms, and supporting each other as we rose to our feet. Continuing with the routine we maintained the mood of the song, completely in sync.

We stopped just short of the chorus so as not to give too much away. Mina clapped her hands together, squealing excitedly. Jungkook kept a serious face but clapped his hands together as well. "I'd be lying if I said that didn't just scare the crap out of me, but great job!" Mina said with a nervous chuckle.

"I'm sure yours will be amazing, Mina," I reassured her. "You have Jungkook to help you- he is a great dancer," I complimented him, trying to break some of the tension I was feeling between us.

"With that, let's wrap up for the day!" Jimin smiled, oblivious to the discomfort in the air.

I grabbed my bag and headed towards the exit to leave with Mina. Jungkook was still waiting beside the door. He gently pulled me to the side before I could make my escape. I looked up at him with quizzical eyes.

Jungkook leaned in to whisper to me, "Meet me later, same spot as the first time...around eight." My heart jumped at his abruptness. I nodded at him awkwardly before rushing off to link arms with Mina and head back. 

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