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My ankle was finally feeling much better with only two days left until the performance. I was spending every waking moment in the dance studio working on my choreography to make up for lost time. I was still being careful not to put too much weight on my injury- only moving my body halfheartedly. If I could get everything blocked out, I knew that I would manage, even with minimal practice.

Jackson was there today keeping me company and blessing me with his cheeky criticisms. "Your hand looks awkward there. You have to dance mindfully- down to the tips of your fingers, Y/N, you know this."

I was dripping with sweat, dancing for hours endlessly without a break, so I may have been a bit snippy in my reply. "Yes, master, I shall dance better to please you."

"Good, good. Know your place," Jackson replied smugly. "Your dance is slower-paced so the movements have to be precise or you won't be able to compete with a flashier performance, even if it is done sloppily."

I wanted to slap him, sitting there all comfortably watching me exhaust myself, but he did have a valid point. There was no room for error with this type of dance. I was going for something more ethereal to fit in to the 'fantasy' theme I was given- lots of slow yet dynamic movements with a focus on the emotions of the lyrics.

"You know, I have to fly out tomorrow morning," Jackson pouted. "They won't let the visitors stay for your next performances."

"Really?" I sulked, taking a break to sit next to him. "I feel like you just got here."

"Yeah, I guess it's down to the wire now, so they aren't risking anyone spoiling the results," he explained. "Don't worry, I'll let the students know that you miss them."

"Please do," I smiled wistfully. Being here in this competition was such a bittersweet feeling. I was truly lucky to be chosen for this experience and I had met so many amazing people, but part of me was still homesick. I missed seeing the eager, smiling faces of my students back home. 'Home' for me had always been the people, not the place.

"Is there someone else you want to tell that you'll miss?"

"I will miss you too, only somewhat..." I teased, watching him point to himself dramatically. Clearly, he was acting silly to cheer me up after bringing up the depressing topic.

"In all seriousness- you deserve this," he cleared his throat. "So don't worry about us, we are never more than a phone call away."

"Aww look at you acting all sweet," I giggled, wrapping him in a hug.

"You smell like ten hours in the dance studio, Y/N," he cried out, dying from laughter as he watched me scowl at his reaction.

"I'm never hugging you again," I whined, backing away, and crossing my arms in a huff.

"Just go get changed...and definitely shower first," he cackled, throwing one last jab at me. "We've been invited to a little goodbye dinner with your new gang."

I flicked him off for the entire time it took for me to collect my belongings and exit the studio. I did, however, take his advice- showering and cleaning up before the dinner. Apparently, we were going somewhere off grounds that they had rented out for privacy. I was looking forward to a little time away from these walls- especially since my last adventure outside had ended so poorly.

Tonight's look was an oversized graphic t-shirt dress paired with a waist belt and my black combat boots. The cherry on top was possibly an excessive number of earrings and rings- but it fit the grunge chic look. I hadn't seen Mina since I'd returned from practice, so I assumed she was already with Hoseok. Pulling out my phone, I sent a quick message to Jungkook to see if he wanted to walk to the restaurant together. My alert pinged almost immediately.

Jungkookie <3: Of course, love. Meet you at the front.

My heart swooned a bit at the use of the pet name and I couldn't contain my smile as I held my phone up to my chest. With a newfound burst of energy, I skipped to the front of the building to meet up with Jungkook. He was already there waiting for me, looking as handsome as ever in his casual clothes.

"Y/N!" he smiled, pulling me into a hug and kissing the side of my cheek.

I backed away nervously. "Uhm, shouldn't we be more discreet in the middle of the lobby?"

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself," he chuckled, glancing around for any onlookers. "It seems like we're in the clear, though."

He was acting so cute I was pretty sure my heart was going to combust at this rate. I couldn't even be mad at him for being reckless because I wanted to hold him in my arms just as badly. We hadn't seen each other since we had admitted our love for one another. I was busy working on my performance and he had other projects that he had to attend to. We hadn't really gotten a chance to soak in the bliss.

"So where are we headed?" I questioned as we walked to our destination.

"We managed to find a Korean restaurant nearby," Jungkook spoke excitedly. "I'm going to eat all the pork belly!"

"Mmm I could definitely kill some kimchi-jjigae," I replied, practically drooling at the thought of this dish.

"When you move to Korea you can eat it all the time!" he winked. A blush crept up on both of our cheeks as we registered his words. "Uh when you win this competition, of'd have to move...yeah."

"Of course, yeah," I nodded, turning my head to take in the scenery as a distraction. "I think we're here," I pointed to the building we were approaching on our left. A sign in hangul hung above the door.

The two of us made our way inside to be greeted with cheers from the rest of the group. We had been the last to arrive. The others were already indulging in some snacks and soju, waiting on us to order the main meal.

"About time, lovebirds!" Taehyung shouted, waving at us to take our seats.

"Before we order," Namjoon started, resulting in several groans from hungry men amongst the table. "YAH!" he yelled grumpily, before continuing. "I want to thank Jackson for joining us this week; it has been a pleasure to have you. We hope you will enjoy this farewell dinner with us tonight."

"This is not a farewell, but a 'see you next time'," Jackson nodded, raising his glass.

"Cheers to that," Namjoon replied, joining in.

I took down my shot of the burning liquid in tandem with the rest of the group and we all started to dig into the delicious foods. The night progressed with lots of drinking, eating, singing, dancing and other chaotic shenanigans- much to be expected from this group.

At some point, a couple hours in, a slightly tipsy Jackson plopped down between Jungkook and I. "Listen here," he said pointing a finger at Jungkook with narrowed eyes. "Treat her well- she is my best friend...or else I'll have to kill you mercilessly."

"I promise," Jungkook responded, holding up his pinky.

Jackson hesitantly sealed the deal by locking his pinky with Jungkook's. "Okay, you have my blessing. Enjoy the brat," he clapped his hands together and rose from his seat, making his way back over to his spot. He certainly did not ask for much in exchange for his blessing, but I suppose it was the thought that counted.

"Me too?" I questioned, holding out my pinky.

Jungkook smiled at me sweetly before wrapping his pinky around mine. He brought his lips down to our hands and placed a kiss on my finger. "I promise."

My Muse [Jungkook x Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu