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Mina and I stealthily traversed through the hallways, avoiding the eyes of fellow contestants and staff members. We made it over to the stairs, deciding to avoid the elevators as a precaution.

"It's only three floors at least," I said patting Mina on the shoulder who was staring up the stairwell with discontent.

"Ugh...the lengths I will go for boys," Mina sighed, starting her trek up the stairs. I chuckled, shaking my head, and followed behind her.

Once on the third floor, we peaked our heads carefully out of the stairwell door to make sure that no one was in the hall. 308. If we rushed and they let us in quickly this could probably work. Mina and I looked at one another and nodded our heads in understanding, before bolting down the hallway as quickly and quietly as possible.

When we reached the room, we rapped on the door to be let in, eyes scanning left and right to make sure nobody was exiting the nearby rooms. After what felt like an eternity, Hoseok poked his head and ushered us inside.

"Hey Y/N! Welcome to the best room!" Hoseok shouted excitedly, before turning to Mina. "Welcome back, Mina." Maybe I was imagining things, but it sounded to me like he greeted her much more sweetly. I smirked and laughed to myself as I watched the two of them acting like lovebirds.

Jungkook popped around the corner and joined us in the front entrance. "Hey Mina, Y/N..." he greeted with a sweet smile. Our eyes lingered on each other for a moment longer than they should have. He was stunning even in his casual wear. His hair was hung loose, framing in waves around his face. A short sleeve plaid top showed off his tattoos, and a pair of black, ripped jeans hugged his toned legs. "We ordered pizza, come grab something to eat and we can start the movie," Jungkook spoke again breaking the silence between us.

We all hurried into the kitchen and filled our plates before moving over to the couch. There was only one four-seater couch and a recliner. Mina sat down first on the far end of the couch and Hoseok sat next to her without hesitation. I sat next to Hoseok, partially to be polite and let Jungkook choose his space but also partially because I wanted to see if he would in fact choose to squeeze in next to me. I glanced at him finishing preparing his plate, waiting to see his next move.

He headed in my direction and stood in front of me, "May I?" I nodded and scooted a bit closer to Hoseok so Jungkook could have the end of the couch.

Jungkook's leg brushed against mine as he got comfortable. I had to steady my heart and cursed myself for my ridiculous reaction. I was letting a little bit of unintentional closeness make my heart race.

"What kind of movie are we watching?" Mina chimed cheerfully.

"Scary movie!" Jungkook grinned.

Both Hoseok and Mina's faces dropped in unison. "Heh, that's fine. Yeah," Hoseok laughed uncomfortably.

Mina nodded along with him, clearly not wanting to admit her fear of horror films. "Oh yeah, for sure." I did my best to stop myself from laughing furiously. Their faces were just too easy to read. This would be fun to watch.

For the first thirty minutes or so of the movie things were relatively tame, but at the first jump scare both Hoseok and Mina started shrieking and turning their faces away. Jungkook and I both looked at each other and burst into laughter, unable to hold it in. Hoseok had jumped into a squatted position on the couch and Mina was cowering behind his shoulder.

Mina and Hoseok managed to contain themselves until the next scene popped on the screen and Hoseok shot his arms out in fear. I gritted my teeth and braced myself to take a flying limb to the face. Before Hoseok could elbow me, Jungkook wrapped an arm around me and pulled me in closer to him. My body was leaned against his chest, head resting against his shoulder. I no longer feared for my life because of Hoseok's flailing arms, now I just feared I would die of a heart attack.

"It might be safer if you come a bit closer to this side," Jungkook whispered. He was so close I could hear the vibrations from his voice, his breath gently tickling my cheek.

"T-thank you," I managed to stutter out without sound like too much of an idiot.

I was expecting him to take his arm away, but he left it resting on the right side of my body, trapping me against him. Y/N chill the hell out, you're not a child. I continued to curse myself in my head until I eventually let out a sigh and relaxed my body. He just made me go crazy in ways I couldn't understand. I'd never felt this sort of attraction to anyone before.

"You're not scared of these sorts of movies?" Jungkook asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked up at his face, just inches from mine, "No, I love horror movies." I gave him a gentle smile before focusing back on the screen. You've got this Y/N- you are the captivator not the captive!

"That's a little disappointing..." he replied softly, leaning in closer. "I was hoping you'd cling to me when you were scared, but this is nice too."

My breath caught in my throat, and I gulped. I closed my eyes to steady myself. I was not letting this man win and think that I would swoon over him that easily. He was going to swoon over me. I moved my hand on top of his own that was still resting on my side and intertwined our fingers. "Is that better? I'll squeeze if something manages to scare me."

Jungkook clicked his tongue, at a loss for words. He clearly didn't expect me to be bold enough to make a move. Y/N 1, Jungkook 0.

We sat the rest of the movie in silence, resting in each other's embrace. Of course, with the constant screaming from Mina and Hoseok it was hard to completely enjoy our little world on this side of the couch. When the credits finally rolled, Mina and Hoseok let out a collective sigh of relief.

"We are picking the time..." Mina yelled out, her angry tone fading as she turned to Jungkook and I and noticed the way we were snuggled up to each other. She squinted her eyes suspiciously at me, wanting to tease me, but held herself back.

I sat up, slowly removing my hand from Jungkook's, and turning towards Mina. "I suppose that's fair," I giggled. "You guys were ridiculous."

"That was cruel and unusual, Jungkook," Hoseok said pointing at his friend with a pout.

"I'm very sorry," Jungkook replied innocently with a wink.

"Can everyone stay for a few drinks?" Hoseok asked clapping his hands together. "There's a break from filming tomorrow before the performance the day after."

"Sure, let's celebrate a job well done!" Jungkook agreed, raising from the couch, and heading towards to the kitchen.

Mina and I exchanged a glance, her eyes were pleading with me. She looked so adorable like that there was no way I could resist her request. Of course, I too was interested in staying for my own selfish reasons- so she wasn't alone in her desire. I did have some hesitations though- alcohol always hit me fast. I wanted to keep playing around the line of flirtation with Jungkook, but I didn't want to reveal anything to him.

"We can stay for a bit," I nodded.

Jungkook returned from the kitchen with bottles of Soju and glasses and sat them down on the table just outside the kitchen. We headed over and took a seat in a circle around the table. Jungkook poured each of us a drink from the bottle.

"To your success in the next round," he spoke raising his glass with a nod.

I drank the Soju down in one gulp, a slight burn tickling my throat. Almost instantly, a tingling sensation came over me, starting in my fingertips. It had been a quite a while since I'd had the drink and I had forgotten how strong Soju was for non-regular drinkers.

I looked over to see how Mina was fairing and saw her mouth to me, "I'm going to die."

I choked back a laugh and mouthed back to her "Same."

Mina also visibly held back a laugh and gave me a thumbs up before turning her attention back to the boys. 

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