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"I don't know how you did it- but this changes nothing, Y/N," Jia growled, snatching my arm roughly in the hallway.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Jia" I responded smugly. I shook myself free from her grasp and shot her a vicious glare.

Jia shoved me against the wall, and I watched as her eyes went from hatred to utter horror.

"Something wrong?" A voice behind me perked up. Jungkook. No wonder Jia looked so traumatized, she was caught with her mask down, her true nature out on display.

"U-uhm, no," Jia stuttered. "I just accidentally bumped into Y/N- I was actually just apologizing."

Jungkook looked at me, waiting for me to respond. I thought about correcting Jia and exposing what had really just happened, but hearing her humiliating apology was enough satisfaction for me. Plus, I was fairly certain Jungkook had seen her shove me perfectly fine on his own.

I responded quickly, before Jungkook could probe any further. As much as I would enjoy watching Jia squirm, I didn't want to deal with the drama. "It's okay, Jia," I smiled, turning on my heel and taking my leave.

I could hear Jungkook's quick footsteps behind me as I paced back to my room. I hoped he was keeping an eye out for onlookers. The last thing we needed was Jia following us right now. Jungkook grabbed the door as I entered, sliding into the room right behind me.

"What was that all about?" Jungkook scrunched his brow at me. "I know she said some terrible things to you, but I didn't know she was bothering you to that extent." He looked frustrated, but there was also a hint of sadness in his expression- like he felt guilty for not knowing what was going on.

I thought about what I wanted to tell him. Should I just come clean about the entire situation? It was now or never- and he deserved my honesty.

"Things are bit worse than I originally let on..." I mumbled, not daring to make eye contact.

"What do you mean?" he questioned softly. He moved in close to me, cupping the side of my face with his hands, forcing me to look up into his eyes. He was worried.

"Jia has been trying to get me to purposefully lose the competition...using whatever means necessary," I explained through gritted teeth. "She threatened to expose us, but things were taken care of so that's no longer an issue."

"So, she's been bullying you?" Jungkook responded more as a statement than a question. He looked absolutely livid, but he was still holding me with a gentle tenderness.

In the next moment he was rushing to my door in a fury, and I found myself grabbing at his shirt to stop him. "It's fine, Jungkook."

"It's not fine," he pursed his lips. "I won't let anybody treat you like that. Ever."

I wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my face into his back, trying to calm him. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't secretly happy to see him acting so protective of me, but I didn't need the situation to escalate any further.

Jungkook eventually relented and turned around to face me. "If she tries anything else...I won't let it go," his eyes were still brimming with anger, but I could feel him relaxing in my arms, his ragged breaths slowly steadying.

"You're so cute," I giggled in a whisper, brushing my hand against his cheek.

"Cute?" he retorted, narrowing his eyes at me. Uh-oh.

In an instant, he had picked me up with little effort, and thrown me down on to the couch. His body hovered just inches above mine, eyes staring into mine so dangerously, a blush immediately crept up to my cheeks. My teasing was certainly poor timing- and he had every intention of establishing who was in control here. I had awoken something animalistic in him.

"Mm, now that's cute," he whispered in a sing-song voice, rubbing his thumb across my lips as he took in the view of my reddened face. His reaction only further startled me, causing my heart to pound against my chest and my breath hitch in my throat. I couldn't pry my eyes off the sight of him licking his lips.

"Is there something you want?" he questioned darkly, eyes following mine.

I opened my mouth to speak but found myself unable to utter a word under his gaze. I had forgotten just how intimidating he could be. One moment he was an adorable little bunny and the next he was like a crazed demon. I could barely keep up with the juxtaposition of it all- and it was scary sexy.

"Go ahead," he smirked, daring me.

I snapped my mouth closed, and looked down, knowing that I couldn't look him in the eyes when I said what I planned to say next. "You."

I saw his jaw drop just for a moment, surprised by my sudden boldness, before his eyes clouded over with desire. He snaked his arm behind my back, pulling our bodies closer together as his lips found mine. He wasted no time moving from my lips, down my neck, slowly nibbling and sucking the skin. The sensation was unlike anything I'd ever felt, and I couldn't stop myself from whimpering under his touch. I was melting like putty in his hands.

I fought for control- running my hands down his back, clawing ever so slightly with my nails. I made my way up his body, forcing his face back to mine so our lips could meet again. I took his bottom lip in my teeth, tugging gently on the skin. Jungkook fought back now, sucking on my lip before thrusting his tongue in my mouth. His hands were gripping roughly on my hips as our tongues swirled, battling for dominance.

"Y/N..." he hummed with closed eyes, pulling away to catch his breath.

I didn't want to stop even for a moment- I tugged on his shirt pulling him down on top of me fully. I could feel his chest heaving against mine, his arms now on either side of my head, lifting himself just enough to not crush me. I wrapped my arms around him. We were so close now that the friction was causing my whole body to heat up.

Jungkook slid his hand just under my shirt, grabbing at my waist as he continued to kiss me. The feeling of his touch sent shivers down my spine. I could feel my willpower to hold back growing weaker and weaker. Right now, all that mattered was this feeling.

Something clicked in Jungkook's mind, and he pulled himself up into a seated position, leaving me breathless, laying against the couch. "I'm sorry- we should stop," he spoke with closed eyes.

I regained my composure, drunk on his touch. "You can open your eyes Jungkook, I won't bite...again," I chuckled.

"Nope, I can't look at you like that," he shook his head vigorously, eyes still scrunched closed. "Face flushed, breathing all heavy like that under me- nope. Nope."

"You're the one that wanted to stop," I laughed in amazement, propping myself up on my elbows.

"You're driving me wild," he growled, finally looking at me. "Despite how it may seem, I am a gentleman, and I want to make things special for you."

The sentiment was sweet, but honestly, Jungkook could take me on the floor at this point and I would be okay with it. Maybe that was my hormones talking. As if reading my mind, he spoke up, "Once this is all over, okay? Until then, contain yourself, you wild beast."

"Me!?" I scoffed, in utter disbelief that he was implying that I started this little exchange. I wanted to beat him upside the head with the couch cushion. Was he insane?! He definitely initiated this.

"Yeah, you're a savage, Y/N!" he laughed loudly, eyes scrunching up.

Okay, that does it. I lunged at him with the cushion ready to murder him, but he caught me before I could attack, leaving us a giggling mess.

"I love you," he whispered, laying a kiss on my forehead.

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