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An address and a dress code were the only bits of information I was given about tonight's plans. I slipped on a satin, champagne cocktail dress that perfectly hugged my body. I paired the dress with strappy gold heels, dangling earrings, and a necklace that ended just between my cleavage. Tonight, I deserved to feel like a confident, bad bitch- and I was going to dress the part. I scanned myself up and down in the mirror, adjusting my outfit as needed, before giving a satisfied nod and heading off.

I took a car that Jungkook had arranged for me to the address he instructed, wondering what would be awaiting me. I had to give my name and ID at the gate to get in which made me even more curious about where I was going. That's good, actually. Privacy. The building we pulled up to appeared to be some sort of clubhouse. It was lit up beautifully with lavish décor. I was definitely somewhere luxurious and starting to feel a little out of my element. Maybe I looked the part, but I still didn't feel it.

I hopped out of the car and walked over to front of the building where I spotted Jungkook leaning against the wall. He was looking absolutely divine in an all-black suit. His black collared shirt was buttoned only partially, exposing part of his chest. And the pants. Good God, the pants. They were hugging his thighs like a second skin. It took everything I had in me to remember how to breathe so that I wouldn't look like a drooling idiot.

"You look stunning," he breathed out, grabbing my hand, and pulling me towards him. "Against my better judgement...I'm going to take you inside, instead of back home right now." The way he was looking at me was making me feel some type of way. I could feel him devouring me with his eyes without even looking at him.

"You're looking rather handsome," I winked, playing along with his friskiness. "Can you tell me what exactly you have planned now?" I was feeling a bit of anxiety not knowing what I was about to walk in to.

"I rented this place out for everyone so we can celebrate your win together," he smiled. "Now, let's eat, drink, and have fun."

Stepping inside, I was met with several pairs of eyes on me. Namjoon and Jin were seated at the bar, sipping on drinks. Jimin and Taehyung were at a table in the middle of the room, waving at me crazily. Hoseok and Yoongi were standing towards the back with two others that I didn't expect to see here...Mina and Jackson.

"How did you get them here?" I turned to Jungkook, my mouth agape.

"I flew them out for the weekend," he spoke as if it was a normal thing. "Hobi reached out to Mina for me, and I actually text Jackson all the time, so I let him know the details."

I stared at him in response, chuckling, as I thought about how jealous Jungkook was over Jackson...and now they 'texted all the time'? Nonetheless, I was so grateful I could cry. I had to make a furious effort to prevent myself from doing so. I would not be ruining my makeup in the first five minutes of the party.

"Thank you," I mouthed, biting down on my lip to hold in the emotions. One glance between us was all I needed to show just how appreciative I was.

Namjoon walked up to the two of us as we started to head towards the group. "Let me just get this out of the way, first, so that we can never talk about her again," he said waving his hands. "Jungkook and I had a nice, long conversation with miss Jia- and she won't be bothering you anymore."

I looked up at Jungkook curiously. He hadn't told me anything about that. Not that I had a right to complain, since I hadn't exactly been the most forthcoming about the situation with Jia. "That's kind of ominous..." I chuckled nervously.

"We just used some fun buzzwords like litigation, fines, jail- you know," Jungkook laughed seeing my reaction.

"Yeah...our company doesn't play with threats like that," Namjoon shrugged. "I guess I scared her when I started talking numbers." He sucked his teeth, lifting his brows smugly.

"Well, thank you," I bowed. "That actually makes me feel a lot better." And it did. I felt a heavy burden being lifted off my shoulders for the first time. It felt as though I could finally look to the future fondly, without worry. I could finally celebrate what I had accomplished.

Dragging me by the hand, Jungkook led us to the center table in the room and called the rest of the group over. Fancy small plates of food were served along with glasses of champagne. Jungkook wasted no time raising his glass. "To Y/N. Thank you for everything you are to me and to all of us- you are truly amazing," he squeezed my leg with his other hand, and kissed the side of my head.

"To Y/N! For being the best friend that I could have asked for during this journey, and forever after," Mina shouted excitedly. I could see the tears welling up in the corners of her eyes and felt myself getting choked up as well. I was so happy to have met her.

"For following your dreams and making them come true," Jackson chimed in, with a proud smile. He had seen me at my worst and supported my dreams when nobody else believed in me. He was the one who had pushed me to give this competition a shot when all I had was self doubt. There weren't enough words in the world that I could use to thank him for everything he had done for me over the years.

"To Y/N!" the other men in the room cheered together. BTS. All of the members had made an impact on my life, even those that I hadn't gotten to work with directly. Over the time that we'd spent together, they had made me feel so welcomed. I couldn't wait to start this next chapter with them.

With my heart heavy with emotion, I touched the champage flute to my lips. We all downed our drinks and dug into the food in front of us. The rest of the night was filled with the usual laughter and chaos that ensued when the group of us got together. The warmth in my chest, though in part from the alcohol, was a result of just how loved I felt here in their company. I wished that this feeling would never end.

After several hours, as people started to grow tired and said their goodbyes, Jungkook pulled me to the side. "I'm really happy it's you," he smiled softly. "I don't know what I would've done if you had to leave- I don't even want to think about it."

"After everything I've been through it's been hard to trust again, enough to want to love someone," I took his hand in mine, looking up into his eyes. "With you it's been easy, second nature..."

"I'll prove that to you every day," he replied, brushing a hair behind my ear.

I blushed at his quick, confident words. "I- uh, I just love you a lot, okay?"

"Yeah, I think that's okay," he chuckled at my awkwardness. "I love you too, Y/N."

We stayed there for a moment, looking into each other's eyes, speaking the things that couldn't be spoken with just words. A pinging notification popped up on Jungkook's phone. The car to leave had arrived and so we were forced to exit our trance and come back down from our euphoria.

We stepped in the car and Jungkook gave the driver the address to his apartment, and I listed off mine as well, after. "Oh, no, that won't be necessary," Jungkook interrupted, before turning to look at me. "If that's okay with you?"

"O-oh, yes, that's okay," I stuttered, realizing what he was implying. We wouldn't be going back separately tonight.

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