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Jungkook arrived back to the studio with an assortment of sweet and salty snacks and some cold teas in a small convenience store bag. He sat down and immediately pulled out some chips and started munching. He held out the bag to me and I grabbed a few as well.

"So, have you made some progress?" he asked, pulling out teas for both of us.

"Yes, I have the basic melody down. I am importing it in the program now so that I can play around with it some more," I responded focusing on the computer screen.

"I guess I should have expected you'd be pretty good at this," he said pulling his chair closer. His arm was brushing against mine, his face now closer than ever before.

Against my better judgement, I turned to look at him. "Thank you," I replied, our eyes lingering on each other's. I had to give myself a mental pep talk to stop fangirling and remain professional.

I turned back to the screen and started to play him a sample of the song's intro. Summoning every ounce of confidence within me, I started humming along to the melody. Jungkook started nodding his head along to the beat and smiled at me sweetly when it finished. He gave me two big thumbs up.

Out of nowhere, the door blasted open. "Y/N!" Mina exclaimed. She had Hoseok in tow with her- he gave a cheerful wave.

"We want to play a game," she whined pulling me up out of my chair. "To break the ice and provide some inspiration."

I turned to Jungkook, trying to read his reaction. I didn't want to waste his time, but from the looks of it, he was excited. "Let's do it!" he cheered, jumping out of his seat, and wrapping an arm around Hoseok's shoulder.

What could it hurt? Maybe this would alleviate some of the tension between Jungkook and I. "What's the game Mina?" I asked.

"We are going to go in a circle, playing songs from a random playlist and you have to sing, rap, whatever, the song, no matter what it is, to the best of your ability to get a point. If you refuse, you get nothing!" She said as she sat down on the floor and patted the spot next to her. I sat down beside her and Jungkook sat across from me with Hoseok on his side.

"Easy, nothing will embaress me!" Hoseok chuckled.

"Great, you can go first then," Mina replied teasingly. She pulled the laptop onto her lap and shuffled a playlist that had a combination of pop songs in Korean and English.

When I heard the intro to the song, I couldn't help but burst out laughing. In unison, all four of us yelled out, "TWICE!"

Hoseok shot up to his feet and performed cutely without hesitation, "Me likey likey likey." He danced along to the iconic moves from the song. "Heart heart," he sang making little hearts with his fingers in our direction.

Jungkook, Mina, and I cheered him on passionately. Once we were able to contain our laughter and were satisfied that he had done enough to earn a point, we paused the music to prepare for the next round.

"You're next," Hoseok said slapping Jungkook on the back. Jungkook looked a bit shy and timid for the first time. He pursed his lips and waited in anticipation, the slightest blush creeping up to his cheeks. How cute.

Mina set the next song to play. A soft intro started and Jungkook widened his eyes. I recognized the song after a couple of beats and waited for him to start.

" I just heard you found the one you've been looking, you've been looking for, I wish I would've known that wasn't me," he began, closing his eyes and feeling the music. His voice was angelic and captivating- it was so much different to hear it in person. I couldn't take my eyes off him. "Cause even after all this time I still wonder why I can't move on, just the way you did so easily."

He kept singing through the chorus before he looked over to us, waiting for our cue that he had done enough to earn a point. Mina paused the music again and we all clapped for him.

"Yah, so unfair- he loves that song," Hoseok whined.

"We aren't all going to get songs that suit us!" Mina retorted, playfully slapping Hoseok on the shoulder before hitting shuffle again so that she could take her turn.

When the next song started playing Mina's face dropped, and I heard Hoseok snickering and mocking the words Mina just spoke. I winced in secondhand embarrassment for her. I just couldn't picture the feminine and dainty Mina singing and rapping along to 'Bang Bang Bang' in front of two people she idolized. I expected her to pass and take the loss of a point, but to my surprise she stood up with a fire in her eyes.

She awkwardly started to bob her head a bit to the beat, while we clapped along to help her feel comfortable. She tackled T.O.P's rap at the beginning. It was...something. When she moved into Taeyang's vocal part she started to feel a bit more comfortable. I held a hand to my chest and smiled; I was proud of Mina for going for it.

She quickly plopped back down on the floor and whispered in my ear, "I feel like I just sinned, butchering that rap in front of Hoseok."

I tried to hold back my laughter and pulled her into a hug, "It was adorable!"

It was going to be my turn next, and I was unsure if I would rather have to do a silly song that I could goof off with or a song that I would have to sing seriously. I had sung in front of many people before, but this felt different. I could feel my palms starting to sweat. With shaky breaths I stood up and waited to hear what would play. When the intro started, Jungkook choked back a deep laugh and my face turned white. "You have got to be kidding me..." I thought to myself. I stared at him, panicked, but he simply raised his eyebrow with a smirk.

"Twenty-four nuguboda deo ppalli eoreuni doen geosman gata. My life has been a movie all the time," I started, giving it my all. I had to keep my eyes closed because I knew if I looked at Jungkook I was actually going to die. "Hae tteuneun goseuro dallyeosseo every single night. Nuguui naeire gabwassdeon geosdo gata." I continued into the chorus before trailing off my words and sitting back down. I avoided eye contact with everyone and bit my lip, trying to stop my face from heating up.

"Wow, I think it might be a lot more embarrassing to sing Hoseok's own song in front of him...sorry Y/N," Mina whispered to me. Thanks Mina. I know.

"It was lovely," Jungkook complimented. I turned to him for the first time. He was staring at me so intensely.

"T-thank you," I stuttered. I gave a small bow to avoid being trapped in his gaze.

The game continued well into the night- but thankfully I wasn't stuck with any other songs that were quite as embarrassing as the first. We had lost track of time until one of us noticed the clock read 2:00am.

"We should probably get going- these poor camera crew look exhausted," Mina said, closing the laptop and getting ready to go. She bowed and mouthed an apology to the staff. They laughed it off and thanked her for the great content.

As I was grabbing my things to leave, Jungkook stopped me. "Please, take these notes on your song. Tomorrow is a day off filming but hopefully these will help," he said handing me a notebook. I graciously thanked him before turning to leave for the dorms with Mina.

Back in the room, I laid down in bed and said my goodnights to Mina. Despite the late hour, I was having trouble falling asleep right away, so I pulled out the notebook Jungkook had given me and set a dim light on my phone. Inside the front cover was only a small note.

Meet me out back behind the studio at 11:00a.

- JK

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