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I shot up from the couch and started pacing back and forth. "You're joking right?" I looked at him with panicked eyes.

"Shouldn't you be happy?" he asked confused by my reaction. "You love them! You admire them!"

"Exactly!" I shouted. I had now taken to walking across my couch, pulling at my hair, and mumbling to myself, "I am not ready for this. What if I embarrass myself? What if they hate me? What if I am eliminated right off the bat?"

"Okay, listen here, crazy," he said pulling me down back into a seated position. "You will do fine, you're amazing, there is no better opportunity than this to get into the music industry."

I looked down at my lap and sighed, closing my eyes. "Thank you, Jackson."

He patted my head gently. "Now, could you go finish cooking? I'm actually starving."

I giggled, shaking my head, and stood up from the couch. As I finished preparing our meal, Jackson pulled his laptop from his bag and began going over the recording of our team's practice from earlier today. After wrapping up the cooking, I brought over our plates and plopped down next to him. He was deeply focused on analyzing the choreography.

"Here. Take a break," I said handing him the plate of food.

I started going over the video as I shoveled forkfuls of rice into my mouth. "Ah, here the foot movement looks a bit awkward," I said in between bites. "I think we need to clarify the direction the foot should be turned, there are too many small differences making it look messy."

We continued well into the night making notes of the minor errors in the performance that we would need to correct over the next two days. Eventually, it got so late neither of us could focus on the screen for any longer, and Jackson started packing up to head home.

After he closed the door behind him, I plopped into my bed and succumbed to my racing thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder if I was truly capable of competing to be a producer for BTS. It felt surreal. I was curious how I was even approved for the TV program- what exactly did Jackson submit as my portfolio? I had a few dance competition wins with the studio, a few piano competition wins, and then just a couple of songs I had written and produced. Whatever he had done, it worked. They must have truly wanted amateurs- maybe for the drama of television.

I rolled on my side, closing my eyes, and sighed aloud, "I just have to do the best I can...for my dream."


I was jolted awake by the obnoxious ringing of my phone. I shot my arm out from under the covers and grabbed it from my nightstand in a sleepy haze.

"Hello?" I answered groggily.

"Hello, Miss Y/N," a bright, chipper voice answered. "I am Cho Da-Eun, the manager for the BTS Team for Global Producer X, please just refer to me as Da-Eun. I will be your main point of contact during this process!"

"Oh my! A pleasure to speak with you Da-Eun," I exclaimed, quickly sitting up.

"I will be sending you the information for your flight to New York. This is where the filming will take place. Please pack your bags as you will be leaving tomorrow morning."

"Uh...oh, um, okay," I replied, a slight panic in my voice. If I left tomorrow, I would be missing the team's competition.

"Is that going to be a problem, Miss Y/N?"

"No! That is alright, thank you." We hung up the phone and I was immediately overcome with anxiety. I didn't want to miss the team's performance- it was important to all of us. If I told Jackson the situation, he would just tell me to go catch my flight without a second thought. I headed to the studio, contemplating what I should do.

When I arrived, Jackson had already started with the warm-ups.

"Hey, why so glum?" he asked, reading the emotions from my face with ease.

"I know what you are going to say to this, but I need your advice nonetheless..." I spoke quietly. "The flight for the program is scheduled for tomorrow morning, and I don't know what to do."

Jackson looked at me with a goofy expression, "what do you need help packing or something?" He smiled, "I'm not the best at organization but I can do my best."

I smacked his arm, "Jackson, I'm serious."

"So am I," he retorted. "You're going, so don't ask me something stupid." He put a hand on my shoulder. "Look, I really appreciate all that you have done for me here at the studio, and I know you love my students as your own, but this isn't your dream- it's mine."

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, and I think Jackson saw them too as he immediately smacked me on the back. "Let's make the best of this last practice- no slacking!" he shouted.

We gave our everything to the final class before the competition. I explained to the students that I would not be able to be there for the performance- but that I would scold them when I got back if they didn't give it their all. Jackson took the time to drive me home and give me his last pep talk before I had to leave.

"Make sure you win, okay?" He shouted through the car door window as I started to walk away. "I will be watching every week!"

I nodded- finally starting to feel a fire inside me.


The next morning, I woke up early and finished my last-minute packing before heading to the airport. When I arrived at the meeting spot, I found a beautiful young woman holding a sign with my name. I assumed this must be Da-Eun.

"You must be Y/N!" She exclaimed happily grabbing my hands and shaking politely. "I am Da-Eun and I will be escorting you to the hotel in New York. We will be picking up a few other contestants during the layover," she said motioning me to follow her.

"I am sure you have many questions, but they will all be answered during the welcome ceremony. You will also meet all of our wonderful artists, then," she said with a wink.

Now that I thought about it- I didn't have any idea who the other artists were. Since this was a global competition, I was certain there would be artists from all over the world. I was already panicking about meeting BTS, so I didn't even want to think about who else might be there. It was an honor, but still terrifying.

"Feel free to review these materials, it will break down the different stages of the competition," Da-Eun continued as we walked.

I grabbed the papers from her and started to flip through them as we waited in line.

Global Producer X Stages

1. Instrumental Skill Test

2. Vocal Performance/Lyricism Test

3. Dance Performance/Choreography Test

4. Full Concept Test

5. Artist Performance

Not super descriptive there, but I was hopeful that they would go into more detail during the welcome ceremony. Being that it was a competition for TV, I was sure they wouldn't give away too much. At the very least I could tell that I would have to show my skill in playing an instrument, singing, and dancing. The gears started turning in my head as I thought about the different ways, I could best show off my skills.

Before long, we were in the plane on the way to New York. I was feeling such a combination of fear and excitement that it was impossible to sleep. I plugged in my ear buds and shuffled my playlist. BTS was the first artist to play. "Ah, now that is fitting," I chuckled aloud, throwing my head back and trying to relax my thoughts. 

My Muse [Jungkook x Reader]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum