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Another day in the studio practicing with the team to prepare for the competition. Jackson and I were teaching them another BTS number- this time 'Dynamite'. It was the perfect upbeat song but full of technical difficulty for the team to show their skill. As the number wrapped up, Jackson and I leaned up against the studio wall, catching our breath.

"They've made good progress, don't you think, Y/N?" Jackson smiled, looking at his adored students.

I nodded, "yes, I think we are close to perfecting it."

"Shall we go over the recordings more, this evening?" he asked turning to me.

"Sure, come over. I will make some kimchi fried rice!" I pointed at him with a wink, "so don't complain about how long this is going to take."

He sucked his teeth, "Aish, you know how to bribe me to work hard."

We wrapped up our conversation and went back to our students to run through the competition piece a few more times before class ended. By the time we finished, the sun was beginning to set outside. It was going to be a long night. We were only three days away from the competition and we still had to go over the footage to catch any small mistakes and clean up the choreography. This was a big opportunity not only for our students, but also for Jackson's studio to gain recognition.

After washing up and changing, I grabbed my duffel bag and headed outside where Jackson already had his car pulled up to the front. I hopped in the passenger seat and immediately commandeered the radio, earning a side eye from Jackson.

"You can't survive a moment in silence, can you?" He laughed.

"You love music as much as me, idiot," I scoffed and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Nah, you're a jack of all trades. It's kind of scary."

I just shook my head and laughed. I did truly enjoy all aspects of music. I had been dancing from a young age, and recently started assisting in choreographing at the studio. I could play multiple instruments. I wrote and produced my own music. I even studied a few different languages in college for the sheer purpose of better understanding lyrics of songs that I enjoyed. Music was my life's passion.

"Doesn't that make me a master of none?" I joked, letting out a sigh.

"Nope, that's the scary part. You are almost on par with my dancing skill," he said cockily.

I rolled my eyes and barely gave the car enough time to come to a full stop before I grabbed my bag and rushed out. I held the elevator doors for Jackson. My studio apartment was humble. I didn't spend much time inside, between classes and work. There was just enough space for my living area, my piano, and a small music production set up.

"I will start cooking. Could you grab the mail for me?" I asked pulling out pots, pans, and ingredients from the fridge.

"Sure, no problem," he replied stepping out of the front door.

Jackson was here so much he practically lived here. We had been friends for as long as I could remember. Childhood besties. At this point, he was more like a big brother to me. We supported each other's dreams more than our real families ever had.

I heard the door open again and turned to see Jackson with a small bundle of mail. He was staring at a particular envelope, making a strange face.

I stared at him puzzled, "what, are we so close you read my mail now?"

I expected him to joke back at me, but he just opened and closed his mouth, speechless.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I furrowed my brow, now a bit worried.

"I may have done something..." he said softly.

"Please, continue," I said narrowing my eyes at him, suspicious. I placed the cooking utensils down and sat on one of the bar stools.

"I didn't think I would even get a response, honestly..."

I was ready to tackle him to the ground and rip the envelope out of his hands if he didn't hurry up and spit it out.

"I sort of signed you up for this TV program, that is funnily enough, looking for a musical jack of all trades so to speak, to compete for a chance to become a producer for a top artist or group!" he blurted out all at once.

I buried my head in my hands and started laughing, "You really scared me, you know!" I got up off my seat and punched him in the arm. "Obviously, it's just a rejection letter. All companies send them as a courtesy. Trust me, I've received plenty."

"Y/N..." he started, holding out the envelope to me.

I looked up at him quizzically and then down at his hands to see the envelope had already been opened. I grabbed it from him and pulled out the letter.


Dear Y/N,

We are pleased to accept your submission for our program 'Global Producer X'!

A manager will be in touch with you at the contact information provided regarding our start date and location.


I let out a heavy sigh and felt my heart beginning to race. I wanted to strangle Jackson, but also hug him. This could be a great opportunity, but I just wasn't sure if I was ready for a TV gig. Regardless of how much he sang my praises, I still felt like a beginner in the music industry.

"I have a lot of questions- but can you just tell me what the show is about, first?" I managed to choke out.

He smiled and dragged me over to sit on the couch with him. He started talking with his hands, getting very excited "so basically, there are ten different amateur musical geniuses, whatever, like yourself, and they are all competing to be one artist's producer."

"Okay, that's not so bad..." I said pondering the idea.

"But!" he continued. "There are multiple artist's, hence the global bit. I believe there are 5 in total so that makes 50 contestants."

That bit made me start to feel nervous. That was a lot of people- this had to be a big production.

"So, I signed you up for this one group in particular..." he trailed off.

I shook him by the shoulders, "continue please or I am going to kill you. Who? Who did you sign me up for?"

He grinned, "BTS." 

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