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"YOU KISSED JEON JUNGKOOK?" Mina screeched, throwing pillows about the room like a wild beast. "JIMIN CONFESSED TO YOU? AND YOU SAID NO?" She continued yelling in my direction. I winced at the high-pitched screaming as I started to regret filling Mina in on the events of the last couple of days.

"And I may be getting kicked off the show," I said with a bitter chuckle. "Let's not forget that."

Mina stopped in her tracks and bit the side of her cheek, before encircling me in a warm hug. "It's not going to happen," she muttered, much more softly, now.

"They are releasing the next set of rankings later today- and they asked to meet with me first," I explained, unable to look over at her worried face for fear that it would just cause me to break down. "I have to go soon."

"This isn't a goodbye hug, okay?" Mina said, squeezing me tight once more. Mina was never the greatest at hiding her emotions- they read on her face like an open book. She was biting down on her lip hard, tears welling up in her caramel brown eyes.

"Of course not," I replied softly, hugging her tight. I said this partly for her sake, but also in an attempt to convince myself that everything would be fine. It had to be.

I forced my heavy legs to carry me down the hallway to the production office. I'd never remembered it being such a long walk. I was having a hard time coming to terms with the situation and at this point- I was just numb. My dreams could be crushed in an instant by the individuals in the room in front of me. My fate was fully out of my hands.

I turned the handle slowly and stepped into the room. Only two producers were present- which included the main producer for the show. I gave a polite bow before taking a seat in the single chair situated across from them.

"Welcome, Y/N," the main producer greeted- his voice calm but serious. "I know this is not the ideal situation for any of us, but please bear with me as I go through some things."

"Yes, sir."

"We have already spoken extensively with the BTS team about the rumors and allegations in regard to yourself and Jimin, and they have denied them and are pursuing any necessary legal action," he started. "Whether or not these rumors are true or not, we don't particularly care. Since the members of BTS don't have any involvement with the judging of the competition, that is not important...what we care about is how this can negatively impact the show."

I nodded my head, bracing myself for the worst as I listened to his drawn-out words.

"We have been assured by their team that this won't blow up in the media," he said with a deep sigh. "I have my reservations about allowing you to stay...but I fear the backlash of having you leave the show in the midst of all of this, could be worse." He rubbed his chin, peering off into space as he collected his thoughts.

"If I may..." I spoke up, mustering up a tiny spark of courage to interject. "I would like to apologize for the inconveniences I have caused. I would like to ask that if I rightfully made my way to the next round- that I be allowed to continue."

The producer's eyes widened in surprise- not expecting me to ask so directly. He smirked, "we wouldn't be having this conversation at all if you didn't do well- damn well." I kept my eyes focused solely on him, waiting for his decision. "You are popular with not only our internal judges, but with the fans watching as well," he continued.

He suddenly stood from the table, taking the papers laid across the table with him. "You will continue on in the show- do me a favor and act surprised this evening at the ranking." He walked past me without a second glance, and the producer that had been sitting next to him silently for the entire duration of our talk, stood up as well and quickly exited the room right behind him.

I was left alone with my thoughts, finally able to take a moment to digest what had just happened. I felt warm tears drip down my cheeks, out of my control. All the fear and sadness that I was holding in had suddenly risen to the surface, now mixing with my feelings of relief. I wiped at my eyes, tinged red and puffy, and tried to make my face more presentable before I exited the room.

I made my way back to the room to give Mina the amazing news. I hoped I wouldn't find her crying by herself. We wanted to make it to the end of this together- and now we could keep trying, fighting together.

"Mina..." I called out, slowly turning the knob, giving her the opportunity to ready herself. I let myself in, bumping into someone right in front of the door. I stepped back, closing the door behind me, and looked up to see what was going on.

"Y/N..." I heard Jungkook whisper in a low voice. His face was scrunched up, examining me. Just past him, Mina was sitting on her bed, hugging her pillow, legs tucked up into chest. Jungkook raised his hand to my cheek, rubbing at the sides of my eyes tenderly. "You've been crying..."

Hearing his words, Mina burst into tears. "No, please don't say that!" she cried out like a little kid. She fell over in the bed, still clutching her pillow.

Seeing her dramatic reaction, I couldn't help but burst into laughter. Both Mina and Jungkook were now looking at me like I was insane. "I get to stay!" I cheered out, not wanting to delay the news any longer.

Jungkook's expression instantly changed from one of distress to a bright, beaming smile. The same one I had grown to love seeing. He squeezed me in a hug so tight I thought I might burst as he lifted me off the ground and spun me around the room. "Aish, Y/N, you scared me," he giggled, burying his head in the crook of my neck.

"Adorable, but my turn," Mina said, nearly tackling me as Jungkook set me back down on two feet. "NO MORE BOYS! I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" she yelled, too close to my ears, still crying.

Jungkook cleared his throat with an intentional cough. "Are you sure about that?"

Mina turned to face him with a pout on her lips, arms still nearly choking me. "What?" She asked with a huff. I desperately tried to free myself from her grip while she was distracted.

"Well, Hoseok invited all of us over tonight, after the ranking," Jungkook said with a shrug. "But I guess you don't want to go...I'll let him know."

Mina released me from her arms, and I took the opportunity to take a couple steps back and regain my breath. "Listen here, I know what I said, but I didn't mean what I said," she said sassily, pointing a finger at Jungkook.

"Then you won't mind if I borrow, Y/N?" Jungkook asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Me? Mind? I wouldn't dream of it!" Mina exclaimed, clearing her throat. She grabbed her phone and bag. "I was actually just leaving, you two have fun!" I didn't have even a second to react before she rushed out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

"Wow, that was impressive," I said in awe, raising my brows. "I've never seen her stop talking so fast."

"I'm pretty clever when it comes to getting a moment alone with you," Jungkook chuckled, pulling me back into his arms. This comfort, this warmth, was something I desperately needed right now. It had been an extremely long and stressful day but buried in his arms it all seemed to melt away. A part of me knew I should pull away or risk growing truly addicted to his touch- but I couldn't bring myself to leave him. This feeling was addicting.

"Thank you, for coming to check on me," I said looking up at him.

"I wasn't sure what I would do..." he sighed, closing his eyes. "If you weren't staying, I'm not sure I could've managed."

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