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Back at the room, I threw down my bag and started digging through my clothes. Mina examined me suspiciously. "What are you doing, Y/N?" she asked sitting on her bed.

I contemplated if I should tell her the truth about where I was going. Given that she hasn't exactly been shy about her fondness for Hoseok- I figured it was safe to share my own feelings...whatever those were. "I'm going to see Jungkook," I sighed out, still focused on finding something to wear.

"Hmm..." she hummed.

I was expecting more from her than that. This was Mina after all. "What?" I asked. "I know you want to say something."

She walked over and sat down next to me, helping me find something to pair with the black skirt I had picked out. "Well, he asked about you quite a bit today."

I turned to her, stopping what I was doing. "Yeah, okay," I scoffed.

"He asked if you had been hanging out with Jimin at all," she said slapping my shoulder. "I'm serious!"

I rolled my eyes in response, "Why would he care about that?"

Mina shook her head at me and crossed her arms. "He's obviously feeling a bit didn't pick him even though you had first choice."

I let out a deep sigh. "It wasn't I doubt he cares about something like that." There was no chance Mina was right. Jungkook liked to tease me- but that was all.

Mina threw an oversized sweater at me and a pair of heeled boots. "You're so dense Y/N," she said shoving me towards the closet with a giggle. "Go finish dressing yourself up all pretty for your totally innocent friend date."

I sucked my teeth and shot her a glare before going to change. I thought about wearing something more casual...maybe I was showing too much effort to meet Jungkook. I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy about Mina's words, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. I didn't want to cross the line with Jungkook- just enjoying this innocent flirtation was enough for me.

I slowly made me way down the backstreets until I reached the café Jungkook had taken me to when we had first started working together. As I opened the door and headed in, I was greeted by a cheerful, young hostess.

"You'll be upstairs in the back, miss," she said sweetly, motioning me up the stairs.

The café was relatively empty and dimly lit. Music played noisily through the speakers, offering the few people inside a bit of privacy. I could see why Jungkook was fond of this place- it was probably hard for him to get out without being bothered.

Towards the very back, I spotted Jungkook seated with his back to the walkway. He was dressed in a pair of tight, black jeans and a grey hoodie. He turned his head towards me as I approached.

"Y/N...hey," he said with a charming smile.

"Hey Jungkook..." I replied uneasily. Just looking at him was making me nervous- and I was sure it was reading all over my face. I took a deep breathe to calm myself and gave him a nod in greeting.

"You look beautiful, as always..." he spoke softly, staring into my eyes. He cleared his throat and looked down at the menu. "I just wanted to get a coffee and maybe take a walk."

My cheeks heated up at his compliment almost instantly, so I was glad he was no longer looking at me. "That sounds good, thank you for inviting me."

When our drinks arrived, we sipped them down in silence. The tension in the air was so thick, I was finding it hard to focus. I fidgeted with the hem of my skirt underneath the table. I don't know why I was having such a hard time talking to him. It was never this difficult before.

"Let's go walk, okay?" Jungkook finally spoke up. I nodded and followed him out of the café.

The night air was chilly, so I rubbed my hands together and breathed onto them slowly to warm up. Jungkook glanced over to me and started to take off his hoodie. "Here, you're cold," he said handing the jacket to me.

I hesitantly took the hoodie and pulled it over my head. The scent of Jungkook's cologne, his scent, enveloped me. It was sweet and warm and brought me a sudden feeling of comfort. Thinking of being snuggled up in his clothes caused a blush to creep up on my face again, and I was glad that it was so dark that it would be difficult for him to notice the redness of my cheeks.

The two of us made our way through a park and took a seat on a bench beneath a tree. There was nobody else around so all that could be heard was the sound of water falling from a fountain in the middle of the park. For the first time, I let myself relax- enjoying the peaceful scenery.

"To be honest, I was a bit disappointed," Jungkook spoke, breaking the silence between us. I looked at him curiously, with widened eyes. "I wanted to dance with you."

His words took me by surprise, and it took me a moment to respond. His expression was hard to read- he wasn't meeting my eyes. Maybe I did upset him by choosing someone else as my partner. "I wanted to dance with you too...but I didn't know if it was a good idea," I finally answered.

He turned to me in surprise, cocking his head. "What made you think that?" he asked with a chuckle. He leaned in close to me, waiting for a response. He was teasing me again. I bit my lip, trying to stop myself from getting sucked in by his charm.

I turned away from him, putting some distance between the two of us. "There's a few reasons..." I let out in a near whisper.

"I wasn't fond of seeing you dancing with someone else," Jungkook said gently turning my face back in his direction with his fingers. His sudden touch sent a jolt through my body. I was so ensnared by him that I couldn't even fight back with my usual confident reaction.

He smirked, watching me struggle to form a response. "So, let's dance then," he said rising from the bench. He held out a hand to me, and I instinctively grabbed it without a second thought.

Jungkook pulled me in close to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. I froze for a moment before folding my arms around his neck. I didn't dare to look up and meet his eyes, instead choosing to stare straight ahead at the fabric of his shirt. He leaned down resting his chin against the top of my head. "You're so quiet," he mumbled in a hushed tone. "Have I finally swayed you?"

I remained quiet, dancing slowly with him, following his lead. Jungkook continued, "you've been so bold, but you didn't think I would continue playing along passively, right?"

I looked up at him slowly, heart racing. I didn't think he was catching on to my playful flirtations too much- but apparently, he was aware of every move I made. The way I looked at him. The words I sang. He knew they were directed at him. He was reading me like a book. I had no idea what to say to him- I was speechless.

Jungkook's eyes met mine, blazing with passion, almost hypnotic. "Sorry, am I going to far?" he chuckled, lightening his dark expression. He released his arms from my waist, and I followed suit dropping my arms to my sides. "Just one more thing," he said leaning in, his face just inches from mine. He turned his face, kissing the side of my cheek delicately.

I held in a gasp as he retreated away, turning his back to me. "Let's go back, Y/N." 

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