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"H-hey we can keep going! I'm not e-even a little t-tired," Taehyung slurred, hiccupping inbetween his words.

"Well, Jimin is face down in the couch right now, Mina and Hoseok are laughing at literally nothing nonstop, and these two..." Jin said, looking over at Jungkook and I. "...there's some weird tension going on there, so I'm not even going to touch that one." Jin tried to drag Taehyung up off the floor so he could take him back to his room, but the man was not budging an inch.

"Dibs on the main bedroom!" Hoseok suddenly shouted rising to his feet with wobbly legs. He tried his best to help Mina to her feet as well, but his attempt was so sloppy they both ended up back on the ground in a fit of laughter.

"This is your room after I'd say that's fair," Jin replied, shaking his head in exasperation. "Let me help you get there, okay?"

"I'm not leaving, I'll s-sleep here b-by Jimin," Taehyung pouted, crawling over to the couch, and throwing himself down next to Jimin who was already passed out.

"That's fine, I suppose," Jin sighed. "Jungkook, Y/N, are you going back to your rooms?"

"We'll sleep in Hoseok's spare bedroom," Jungkook replied with a straight face. His face was flushed from the liquor, though he was much more sober than the rest of the group.

Wait a minute. We?

"Okay. I am going to drag these two to bed and then I am heading back to my own room," Jin replied. "If you need help with any of the extra drunk ones- wake up Namjoon, it's his turn." Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jackson had all headed back to their rooms over an hour ago, claiming they were too tired to continue and leaving Jin to babysit on his own. I'm certain he was cursing them right about now.

"We'll be fine, thanks Jin," Jungkook smiled. He stood up and headed towards the spare room, not bothering to turn around to see if I had followed behind him.

He must really be mad that I teased him all night. I shrugged off the thought and stood up, my legs slightly unstable, but still manageable. He started this, I simply got even. I made my way to the bedroom and poked my head inside to see Jungkook sifting through the dresser drawers.

"I can go back to my room..." I mumbled. "It's not that far and I didn't drink as much as everyone else."

"I won't bite, Y/N," Jungkook smirked, throwing an oversized shirt at me, and pulling out another shirt and sweatpants for himself.

I caught the shirt just barely, given my slowed reflexes from the night of drinking. I chewed at the side of my cheek, pondering over my options. On a scale of good ideas to bad ideas, this was an absolutely, colossally, terrible idea. Even knowing this, my feet moved of their own accord over to the bathroom to change. I peered at my reflection in the mirror- rosy cheeks and disheveled hair. Not my best look but it certainly wasn't the worst.

I made my way back to the room after tidying myself up a bit. Jungkook was already changed and sitting on the side of the bed. I closed the door behind me and took a seat on the opposite end. "I can sleep on the floor," I quickly offered.

"You were so gutsy before, what happened, Y/N?" Jungkook snickered, rising from the bed. He sauntered over to where I was seated and placed his hands on my knees, leaning his face in close to mine. "I was really surprised," he said, cocking an eyebrow at me.

"You messed with me first..." I whispered under my breath, refusing to meet his eyes.

"So adorable," he replied, so quiet I almost missed his words. He cupped my cheek with his hand and gently caressed my skin with his thumb. "May I?"

I gazed into his deep brown eyes and nodded my head slowly. With my permission attained, Jungkook wasted no time crashing his lips down onto mine. The strong and sweet taste of the wine we had drank throughout the night overwhelmed my senses. I ran my hands through his hair, deepening the kiss. The room was spinning, though I wasn't sure if it was from the alcohol or the intoxicating feeling of his lips moving against mine.

Jungkook pulled away breathlessly. "I should stop now before I can't stop myself at all."

Part of me was disappointed, not wanting the moment to end, but the more reasonable part of me understood that if we continued there would be no pulling away next time. As much as I wanted to give in to the desire burning through my body, I knew this wasn't the time or place. I swiftly pulled myself under the covers, keeping to the edge of the bed.

"Come here," Jungkook spoke lowly, crawling into the bed next to me. He pulled me up against his chest, his arms wrapped comfortably around my body. I snuggled up against him, enjoying the warmth from his body and the feeling of security in his embrace. This was something I could get used to.

"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you earlier," Jungkook spoke, his chin resting against the top of my head. "Your reactions are just too addicting."

" that the only reason?" I hummed.

"Well, no," he grumbled. "I was slightly, very slightly, jealous seeing you with Jackson."

Though I had pretty much figured this much out by now, it was still satisfying to hear him admit it out loud. I tried to hold in my contented giggling, but I was sure he heard me. "He is seriously, very seriously, like a brother to me," I responded, beaming at Jungkook's cuteness.

"I kind of figured as much, hearing him talk about you earlier tonight...he sounded like a big brother."

"So why did you kiss me in front of everyone like that?"

"Well, I wanted to," he laughed. "...and I wanted to make sure everyone knew you were mine."

"Oh, am I, now?" I snorted.

"If you want to be..." Jungkook replied seriously. He pulled away from me for a moment to look into my eyes, waiting to hear my response. His stare was so intense I could feel my cheeks reddening under his gaze.

I hesitated- all the impossibilities of what he was asking me were rushing through my head. I wanted to scream 'yes' at the top of my lungs, but I couldn't turn off the logical part of my mind which kept filling with doubts. Things weren't that easy- not in this industry.

As if reading my mind, Jungkook spoke again. "I know it's not that me I know that better than anyone," he stated, a sadness creeping through his voice.

Hearing his dejected tone caused a pang of guilt to rise in my chest. Of course, he knew. He has had to deal with these sorts of complications for most of his life. He asked me even knowing that things would not be easy.

"Yes," I replied, a smile creeping up on my face.

"Yes?" Jungkook repeated, eyes blinking rapidly.

"Yes, I'm yours," I repeated quietly, avoiding his eyes to spare myself from the embarrassment.

Jungkook pulled me in against his chest, squeezing me in his arms so tight I was struggling to catch my breath. "Ah, shit, that was so nerve wracking," he groaned.

"Your duality is so scary, Jungkook," I chuckled at his kiddish reaction.

"Shh...go to bed, my cute girlfriend," he murmured sweetly, closing his eyes, and relaxing his strong hold on me. He gave me a light peck on the forehead and intertwined our fingers. I laid awake for a while, listening to his quiet breathing as he slowly fell asleep. Once the rapid beating of my heart finally calmed down and I was able to turn off my racing thoughts, I too drifted off to sleep, safe in his arms.

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