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The day of the performance had approached like a bullet train. With Jimin's confession looming in the back of my mind, it was difficult to practice without any distractions. Even so, I pushed through for my own sake.

"We were informed of your concept ahead of time, so you get to sit back and relax this time," Naya said, prepping my outfit. She handed me a stunning black blazer, encrusted with golden jewels and embellishments. This would be paired with black shorts and heeled ankle boots with matching decorations.

"Looking lovely," Jimin whispered appearing behind me after I returned from dressing, hands resting on my shoulders.

I turned to face him and was taken aback by his presence. Sporting a loose, silky black shirt with golden chains and belts, he was the epitome of beauty. His makeup helped darken and sharpen his normally delicate eyes. If I didn't know any better, I would say that the man in front of me wasn't even Jimin. This look gave him a vibe entirely different than his usual cute and gentle air.

My breath caught in my throat, and Jimin snorted at my obvious reaction, briefly breaking the illusion he was creating. "Are you even the same human?" I chuckled.

"My transformation is complete," he beamed with an ostentatious spin.

Behind him, Mina and Jungkook entered the backstage area- already prepped to go on. My eyes drifted over Jungkook as I tried to fight the feeling burning in my stomach. Dressed in a relaxed, patterned shirt that barely exposed his chest and black pants that hugged his toned thighs, he was a vision to behold. Even styled in a bright concept, he looked absolutely sinful. I had to pull myself together and force myself to peel my eyes away from him.

"Oh, it's your bestie!" Jimin said following my eyes. "She looks great!"

"Hmm...oh yeah, she looks adorable..." I mumbled, realizing I hadn't even given Mina a single glance. She really did look cute in her little pink two-piece set, but goddamn was I distracted.

Jungkook scanned me over with a piercing gaze as he approached with Mina. "Best of luck to the two of you," he hummed.

"Oh, no need for luck, we've got this!" Jimin grinned, brimming with confidence. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side. I looked down at my feet, shyly. The sudden closeness was not what brought on this emotion, it was the look of irritation and disappointment painted on Jungkook's face.

"Standby! We're starting!" A producer shouted, giving me a moment to finally breathe. This was it. As if on reflex, I pushed out all other thoughts and emotions in my head- focusing solely on the task at hand.

Jimin gave my hand a tight squeeze of encouragement, whispering to me before we stepped on, "Let's do this."

The same familiar tune that had become my entire existence over the last few days swam through the air once again and just as we had many times before, we let our bodies flow to the music. It felt like I was merely a passenger in my own body, as my limbs dragged me across the stage, possessed by the story we were trying to weave.

The music ended, and we held our final position before giving a bow to the audience. Behind the stage, Jimin shook my shoulders excitedly. "I think that was our best run yet!"

My heart was still pounding in my chest from the adrenaline of the performance. "I hope so, I really do," I said between quick, exhausted breaths.

"Ill go get some water, be right back," Jimin smiled sweetly, noticing my fatigue.

"What a gentleman," a deep voice scoffed from behind as Jimin jogged off down the hall.

I pursed my lips as I turned to face the culprit. Jungkook.

"One last invitation," he spoke, unsmiling. "If you don't show up...then I won't bother you anymore." He handed me a small piece of paper. Another one of Jungkook's little handwritten notes, but this one felt heavier.

If you feel something. Room 310. 9p.

- JK

I tucked the paper carefully into my pocket and rubbed at my temples as I watched Jungkook turn his back to me and stroll away. Jimin appeared at my side holding an ice-cold bottle of water.

"You feeling okay? You look pale," Jimin questioned, voice laced with concern. He squinted his eyes at me and motioned me to take a seat.

I shook my head to decline and chewed at my lip. "Can we take a walk, actually?"

Jimin peered around the backstage, looking for an opportunity to make an escape while everyone was distracted. "Yes, lets go," he said leading me by the small of my back out of one of the back exit doors.

"What's wrong?" Jimin questioned leaning back against the building's brick exterior. He was peering deep into my eyes, completely attentive.

I struggled to form words- not wanting to say what I knew deep down that I needed to. Jimin was kind, gentle, and overall wonderful. There must've been something wrong with my head to not be able to return his feelings...but I just couldn't. I didn't want to wait any longer to respond to his confession, knowing full well that I would never be able to give him the answer he wanted. I furrowed my brows and stared down at my feet.

"It's okay," Jimin suddenly spoke up. He looked over at me with a pained smile, only for a moment, before beaming at me brightly, trying to reassure me. "I understand."

"I want to thank you, truly, for your feelings..." I tried to explain, "...but I just can't return those feelings knowing that there's someone else in my head." Jimin didn't deserve this response- but I had to be honest with him. Though he was listening calmly, my stomach was in knots.

Jimin's eyes briefly widened, "Someone else?"

"As much as I hate to speak it into existence, yes" I chuckled. Fighting the feels I was having for Jungkook was driving me insane. I didn't want to admit it- but I knew I liked him. It was more than just the initial attraction; it was all the subsequent moments we shared. Everything about him pulled me in, daring me to explore things further. Him further.

"I think I knew, anyways, so no hard feelings," Jimin said, patting my shoulder. "I'll support you, as your friend."

My heart broke at his words- he was such a kind soul. "Thank you, Jimin."

"You were a bit obvious, today, by the way" he teased, opening the door so we could head back inside. "You were practically drooling."

I choked on my spit, my face turning beet red, as I struggled to gasp for air. I was internally screaming as I walked ahead in front of him. "P-please, do not say that..." I forced out between coughs. Jimin did not grace me with a response, but I could hear him dying of laughter behind me.

Having given Jimin his reply, there was only one thing left to do- face my anxiety and fears and prepare myself to go see Jungkook. I had to believe that he was feeling the same things as me, the opposite would mean...well, I just couldn't handle the opposite. Why would he give me a note like that otherwise? Unless this was just all a game to him...

Knowing full well that I probably looked like a crazy person having an argument with myself in my head, I decided to make my way to my room. For once, the results of the performances were not being announced in the same day, so I could devote my attention to tonight's fiasco. Finding out if I was even continuing in the competition was a whole other source of anxiety that I was not ready to tackle. One crisis at a time, Y/N.

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