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Somehow, Mina coming over turned into Mina and Hoseok, and then that turned into Jimin and Taehyung, and then that turned into Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi, until finally it just ended up as everyone. Someone brought beer, someone brought chicken, and so inevitably the night turned into a welcome party.

"So, one last test, huh?" Jin, who was seated next to me, questioned, taking a sip of the beer.

"Yup," I smacked my lips. "Weeks of trials were not enough to impress the bosses apparently, so I pretty much have to start writing for my life...again."

"I know a sure-fire way for you to succeed!" Taehyung chimed in.

"What's that?" I rasied a brow.

"A rap line song with me in it," he gave me an obvious wink and thumbs up.

"I'll think about it, Tae," I responded and everyone in the room broke into laughter. "I'll be at the company building working in the studio over the next week. They want me to submit a rough draft of both of my songs by the end of the week to be reviewed."

"You'll do fine, love," Jungkook wrapped an arm around my shoulder, squeezing me close to him.

I nodded to ensure him I was fine. A million different song ideas were running through my head yet none of them seemed satisfactory. I'd sat down and taken pen to paper several times, but every time ended with mindless doodling and no real progress. I'd picked up multiple instruments, playing different series of notes trying to spark inspiration, but still nothing. It was a problem I'd never really had before. Writer's block.

I chuckled at the thought, but maybe things were going too well? Did I need a little bit of chaos? Not that good music couldn't come from a place of peace and happiness, but there was something about a bit of struggle that really got the gears turning in my mind.

"Damn you for making me too happy," I turned to Jungkook, mumbling.

"Wha-?" he scrunched his eyebrows, giving me a perplexed look.

"I usually write from personal experiences, and right now things are just so good that I'm having trouble," I explained pouting my lips.

He chuckled, "I can't tell if you're mad or happy right now...but that's adorable."

"Why don't you try seeing if something from back home helps trigger an idea?" Jimin spoke up. "We're supposed to be here to help you unpack, anyways."

"That's actually a great idea," Namjoon nodded along.

We wrapped up our meal and began to dig into the boxes from my old home. Namjoon and Jin were somehow making more of a mess, Yoongi was very slowly examining each item, Taehyung was distracted by my clothes and fighting with Jimin, and Hoseok and Mina were in their own world goofing off. The only person actually helping me organize was Jungkook.

"What's this?" Jungkook tilted his head, pulling out a photo album.

"Eh, that's really old," I frowned. "You can look at it, though, it's okay."

"Wow, Y/N was cute even as a baby!" Jungkook beamed, flipping through the pages. He stopped on the next page and pointed to a photo. "Is this your family?"

"Oh, yeah," I shifted uncomfortably.

"You don't talk about them," Jungkook spoke softly, his statement more of a question.

I sighed deeply. That was a long story. "They don't really talk to me," I let out a bitter laugh. "They are the sort of parents who are obsessed with success and control, so you can imagine how my decision to pursue a career in the music industry went over. Because it wasn't an assured future, they resented me for it, and they didn't want anything to do with me."

"I'm sorry, Y/N..." Jungkook rubbed my shoulder. "I think if they saw you now, they would feel proud seeing how hard you worked for your success. I hope that one day you can come together as a family again."

"Yeah, me too," I half-smiled. "Because of that situation, I've lived by myself for a long time now, so this is very different for me."

"It must have been lonely," Jungkook looked at me, a sadness in his eyes.

"Yes and no," I smiled. Jungkook looked fully confused by my response. "Well, it's just, I've always believed that you can find a comfort and a home within the people you love. For me, that was my friends, my students."

"So, it never bothered you?"

I shook my head and took his hand in mine. "Nope. That's why I'm not afraid of this, either."


"Because even if you're not physically here with me all the time, even if this somewhere new, I have you in my heart, and me in yours. That's home."

Jungkook shot a hand to his heart and pouted his lips, eyes almost glossy. "Y/N, you're so cute." He wrapped me in his arms, embracing me in a tight hug. Family. Home. These things had never felt so real as now.

"Yah, love birds, did you get an idea?" Jin shouted across the room, dropping yet another box. 

I brought a hand to my mouth, pondering. "Yes, actually." My legs started move on their own accord, dragging me out of the room. I turned back to the group and gave a quick apology. "I'm so sorry- but I have to go!"

I wasted no time rushing over to grab my notebook and sat in front of the piano in the studio room. The loud chattering and laughter from the other room was completely drowned out by the words singing in my mind. I pressed my fingers to the piano, at first, just feeling the cold plastic keys. I took a deep breath, and like a fire being ignited, my hands started to dance across the instrument, following the path that felt right.

Seven days. It took me all seven days leading up to the deadline to perfect my two masterpieces. As perfect as you can make a rough draft, that is. Most nights I stayed up until the early hours of the morning, only sleeping a couple of hours. I probably looked possessed, rarely leaving the studio. Eat. Write. Sleep. Repeat. All of it leading up to this moment. My songs had been handed in, and here I was bopping my leg up and down, overflowing with nervous energy, sat beside Jungkook who was desperately trying to calm me down.

My eyes were fixated on my cell phone placed in the center of the table. Any moment now. I'd been waiting for over an hour, but I was sure it'd be any moment now. When the noise of my ringtone finally sounded through the room it was like sweet relief. Here goes nothing.

"Hello?" I answered with as steady of a voice as I could muster, trying to mask my overwhelming nerves.

"We like your submissions," the voice on the other line spoke casually. "Come in first thing Monday so we can start're official."

"T-thank you!" I stuttered excitedly. I quickly hung up the phone, placing it back on the table, and stared at Jungkook with wide eyes, jaw dropped.

"I knew you could do it," Jungkook smiled sweetly. He placed a finger under my chin, closing my mouth which was still wide open in surprise. His arm snaked around my back and pulled me towards him as he placed a soft kiss on my lips. 

"I guess we're going to be roommates for a while," I chuckled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," he hummed, snuggling up against me.

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