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Today was the day. The day that everything I had worked for would come to fruition, that, or it would come crashing down in front of me. I didn't want to think about the latter option and everything that it would imply- that I wouldn't be starting this next chapter with the seven men who had become like family to me. For my own sake, I had to believe that I would succeed. I was good enough.

I sat in front of the mirror, completely zoned out, as my usual stylists worked on my hair and makeup. I was dressed up in a beautiful floor length floral gown in blue and white. This time I wasn't alone- Namjoon was sat in the chair next to me being style as well. He was outfitted in a flowing silk shirt in baby blue with matching white pants.

"Are you nervous?" Namjoon spoke up without peeling his eyes from the mirror in front of him.

"Is that even a question?" I chuckled, shaking my head. "I am literally shaking- that's how scared I am." I lifted my hand up to display to him just how badly I was trembling.

"We've got this," he smiled confidently. "I don't have any intention of losing." He truly did look fierce in that moment. I fully believed his words. He was going to give it his all so that we would have no regrets. Seeing him like that helped light a fire in me, too.

Hoseok and Jia were seated just across the room preparing for the stage. I couldn't stop myself from sneaking at glance. Jia was dressed in a bright and colorful two-piece ensemble. Hoseok matched her in a colorful patterned suit. They looked amazing but I couldn't let that shake my nerves. They would be performing first. I had to maintain my cool headedness until it was my turn to take the stage.

"It's time!" Da-Eun shouted, beckoning Jia and Hoseok towards the front. "Everyone, let's give an amazing show, and, the best of luck to you!"

Watching them drift towards the stage entrance was like an out of body experience. Moments passed and I could hear the music booming, but I couldn't truly register what was happening. Maybe that was for the best. I did feel bad. I wanted to hear Hoseok perform- he had worked hard on his verse, and, of course, I held nothing against him. It wasn't his fault that he was partnered up with someone like Jia. Still, somehow, I just couldn't focus enough to listen...

"Our turn," Namjoon patted my shoulder, snapping me back to reality.

We stepped out on stage and my eyes instantly scanned the crowd, looking for Jungkook. One glance at my muse was all I needed for this to feel like home. And there he was, beaming at me brightly, looking at me with such pride and adoration I could feel my heart swelling in my chest. He made everything feel worth it. In this moment I wanted to express my gratitude towards not only him, but all of BTS.

I gripped my microphone tightly and shared one final look of encouragement with Namjoon before the music began to play.

(A/N: Song credit is "Winter Flower" by Younha ft. RM. *I'll be using the Genius English translations)

I will take it away before you stumble

I will stay by your side until you survive

I hope you bloom

I never forget your warmth

I'll be the winter flower, be the dancing star

I'll be by your side

I'm with you

Applause erupted through the audience as I sang my last lines- I hope you bloom. I felt as if I was taking in my first breath since the start of the performance. I had given it everything I had. Vocally. Mentally. Every emotion that I could express, I hoped that it was conveyed.

"You were perfect," Namjoon mouthed as we made our way to the side of the stage.

"You too," I mouthed back with wide grin.

Da-Eun called Hoseok and Jia back to the stage where they took their place on the opposite side as us. "We will be announcing the results in just a few moments," she explained. "Our judges have been evaluating all of your past performances up until now, and the viewers at home will also have a chance to vote."

Those 'few moments' felt like an eternity, though in reality it couldn't have been more than ten minutes. A staff member finally brought out a black, sealed envelope and presented it to Da-Eun. She took it in her hands delicately. Fitting- since she was basically holding my entire life in her hands.

"It has been an amazing run! Both of you have given us some amazing stages during your time here," Da-Eun clapped excitedly.

I gritted my teeth in anticipation. Of course, I knew Da-Eun had to build up some tension for the sake of the show, but this was like pure torture. She was opening the envelope in slow motion, just a single fold at a time.

"Please give a warm welcome to BTS' next producer..." Da-Eun finally started. I held my breath and scrunched my eyes closed tightly. "Y/N!"

A loud cacophony of cheering blasted through the room as I opened my eyes, widened with shock, jaw practically touching the floor. Confetti started to rain down from the ceiling and Namjoon shook my shoulders, trying to bring out some excitement from me. I was simply too surprised to even breath properly, let alone celebrate.

The rest of the BTS members were called to the stage to join the four of us. They were hopping up and down and dancing to the music playing in the background as Da-Eun wrapped up the show. "Thank you so much for joining us!" Staff started to pack up their tools and began filing out of the room slowly. Amazing how something with such build up could be over in an instant.

I took a moment to peer over to Jia, left alone with her misery at the side of the stage. She was trying her best to keep up her perfect image- clapping softly and smiling, but her eyes showed hate. I didn't want to bother giving her another second of my attention, so I quickly brought eyes back to the group. To what mattered.

"Are you ready for what's next?" Jungkook whispered in my ear over the chaos of the crowd. There was a beautiful tenderness in his eyes.

"Of course. My dreams have come true," I smiled sweetly. "In more ways than one."

A staff member walked up to me, pulling me from the moment. "If you could please follow me- we need to go over the details of your contract and the next steps."

"We will celebrate later," Jungkook nodded, urging me to go. "I have a surprise for you," he winked.

What came next was endless paperwork. It was definitely a stark contrast to what I was just experiencing up on the stage. Dreadful, boring paperwork.

"You will be provided a studio apartment very close to the Big Hit building so transport should be easy for you," one of the managers explained. "Obviously, you will be given time to secure your belongings and complete your move to Seoul."

I nodded my head as I continued to sign the papers. It wasn't fully registering that I would be abandoning my current life and moving to Korea. I was leaving a lot behind, but I was gaining a lot, too. It was a bitersweet feeling. Both exciting and terrifying.

"Alright, once you finish singing those documents, that's it," the manager perked up, rising from his chair. "Welcome to Big Hit."

Hmm. I never in my life thought that I'd be hearing those words.

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