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The following day was another studio day with our mentors, recording for the show. I had spent some time last night, after returning from brunch with Jungkook, working on lyrics for my song, so that I would have a couple of verses ready to present. Being back in the studio meant work mode Y/N was in full effect. I wouldn't allow for any distractions today.

Jungkook arrived shortly after me, with two hot coffees in hand. "Here you go- something warm for your voice," he said handing me the paper cup.

"Thank you, much appreciated," I replied taking a sip of the sweet, vanilla flavored coffee.

I began setting up my backtrack on the computer so that I could do my first run through in the recording booth. "If you don't mind playing the track when I give the sign?" I asked, patting the seat in front of the PC.

"Oh wow, you're ready for the booth already?" Jungkook asked, genuinely surprised.

I nodded, with a proud smile, "yes, I already drafted my first verses and part of the chorus as well." I handed over a paper copy of the lyrics so that he could follow along.

"Well, let's hear it then!"

I stepped into the booth and took a moment to mentally prepare myself to sing a song I had written with Jungkook in mind right in front of him. Of course, he would never know that it was directed towards him- but it was still nerve wracking. I inhaled deeply and gave Jungkook the thumbs up to start the music.

The intro was only a couple of seconds before I had to start. I began to sing, staring past the glass out at Jungkook as I did.

(A/N: Song credit is "GITY" by Chymes)

I can feel some tension, it's so obvious

You're needing my attention; I can give you it

So, baby why don't you give me a sign

Taste the temptation of your desires

I finished the next part of the verse and stepped out of the booth to get feedback before we moved on to the chorus.

"So, was it okay?" I questioned Jungkook. He was sat with his finger at the edge of his mouth, biting down ever so slightly on his lip as he looked down in his lap.

He took a moment and licked his lips before looking up at me and speaking, "It was really good- the emotion was...clear."

Was Jeon Jungkook at a loss for words? Maybe I shouldn't have kept eye contact with him while I sang. It was a bit bold of me- but it helped me keep hold of the feeling I needed to perform to the best of my ability. It was kind of nice to see Jungkook a bit shook up. I giggled to myself. Who was the intimidating one now, hm?

"I will keep going then, please start at the chorus," I said before stepping back into the booth. I readied myself before giving Jungkook the go ahead.

I continued to look out at Jungkook as I performed- swaying and feeling the music.

Hold me down, give you what you want

I'll be your heroine, have me all night long

Tell me what you're needing

Tell me what you're needing

Use my tongue, speak your love language

Taste my love, always let you in

Tell me what you're needing

My Muse [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now