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The scent of sweet pancakes and delicious, salty bacon sifted through the air as I rubbed my eyes and crawled out of bed. Since I'd stayed the night here with no preparation, I had slept in one of Jungkook's oversized t-shirts. Luckily, it fit me more like a dress, ending just above my knees. It would be a little embaressing, but it was better than slipping back into my party dress. I could make it work for the drive home to my own apartment. But first- breakfast.

"Good morning," I greeted, appearing in the kitchen where Jungkook was cooking at the stove. He was dressed cozily in a pair of sweat pants and a loose white tee, hair slightly poofy from sleep.

Jungkook turned to face me, beaming, "good morning, beautiful." He beckoned me over to join him. "Try this. I'm still learning but hopefully its okay." A forkful of what appeared to be blueberry pancakes was lifted to my mouth.

"That's really good!" I exclaimed while chewing. I'm not sure why I was surprised- Jungkook seemed to excel at pretty much everything. Cooking was just another skill he could perfect.

"Take a seat. I'm almost done," he pointed with the spatula over to the dining room.

I sat at the kitchen table and started to scroll through my phone mindlessly. Today I would need to go back to my apartment to unpack and set up my studio. The contract I had signed was clear- I would need to successfully produce and write for at least two of the songs on BTS' upcoming album. If I failed to do so...that would be the end. The contract would be null and void. It was like I was on a probationary period, and I had to prove myself to continue working for the company. Easy enough, but still terrifying.

A plate was placed before me. "Here you go," Jungkook spoke in a sing-song voice.

"Thank you," I smiled, digging into the food. Even the presentation was perfect. "I'll have to go back soon. I need to begin preparing my apartment so I can get to work right away."

"About that..." Jungkook muttered, pondering his thoughts. "Uhm, well..."

I looked up at him with furrowed brows. "What is it?" The look on his face was starting to worry me, he looked scared or nervous, or both.

"I was thinking since we're both so busy all the time and it will be difficult to see one another, and since I have my own studio here with plenty of space and equipment, and I have a guest room in case you're uncomfortable sharing a room with me..." he rambled off in one breath. "Well, maybe, you could just live here...if you want to, of course." He seemed so flustered and shy about asking- he couldn't even look at me.

Living with Jungkook, that's a thought. On one hand, I couldn't deny how great it would be to have him so close, but on the other hand, was it too soon to take this step? Our whole relationship seemed to work at lightning speed. During filming, we'd spent nearly every day together. All the feelings that developed between us, developed quickly because of that closeness. Did time really dictate how in love you could be with someone? How ready you could be?

"Okay, let's do it," I blurted out.

"R-really?" Jungkook stuttered, looking at me with his eyes blinking rapidly. As my response registered with him, his expression changed- eyes turning up happily as a wide smile spread across his face.

I nodded happily. Time didn't matter. What mattered was how I felt with him. "I'll call the moving company and have them change the delivery address." My mind moved to the thought of my already leased apartment. "Uh...the company won't be mad, will they?"

Jungkook shook his head as he continued to eat. "They lease the entire building you were going to stay in year-round, so they'll just give the room to someone else joining the staff."

"And about us?" I questioned, tiptoeing around the subject. I know they had said they didn't really care what we did during the show, but this was a whole other story. This was reality, now.

"You know Namjoon's married, right?"

"WHA-" I choked on my water, coughing violently into my arm.

"So yeah, I think it's okay," Jungkook burst into laughter. "As long as we aren't causing unnecessary drama, the company respects our decision to do what we want with our private lives."

I stared at him flabbergasted.

"Did you think we all lived a life of celibacy?" He was trying to hold back another fit of laughter. "When the time is right, we could go public, but right now we all keep our relationships private."

I don't know what I thought. I wasn't delusional- I knew idols had lives outside of what was displayed to the world. I guess I just didn't expect Namjoon to have a whole ass wife. No wonder he led the charge of lecturing Mina and I about getting into relationships with Hoseok and Jungkook. He was the resident expert on what it took to make it work.

"Well then, I guess that's everything I was worried about," I hummed, trying to come to terms with everything that I had just learned. "Let me go make that call."

I cleaned up my plate and rushed into the other room with my phone. After taking care of the delivery arrangements, I called up Mina, needing to talk to someone about everything going on. My life felt crazy right now, and I needed someone to bring me back down to Earth. Maybe Mina wasn't the best choice for that, but she could at least give me some sort of advice- Mina style.

"Hello?" a bright bubbly voice answered the line.

"I need to have a best friend tea session," I sighed out.

"Well, why don't I come over? I can be there in ten," Mina giggled.

"The heck do you mean you can be there in ten? You're in Korea, still?"

"Oh, yeah, kind of permanently..." she trailed off. "I know where your new place is, so I'll see you soon!"

"Uh, wait!" I shouted before she could hang up. "First of all, WHAT? Second of all, I'm at Jungkook's apartment."

"Ooh, I see," she cooed teasingly. "When will you be back at your place?"

"Kind of never..."

For once, I had seemingly left Mina at a complete loss for words. The phone line was filled with nothing but silence for an uncomfortably long minute before she finally spoke up. "We DEFINITELY need a tea session, see you in ten."

Did Mina seriously move here? It made sense, if she wanted to continue to pursue her dreams of making it in this industry, but still, how? I had way too many questions and not enough answers. Of course, I wasn't going to complain about having my girl bestie here with me. I had left so much of my life behind; it gave me comfort knowing that I would still have Mina nearby.

I walked back towards the kitchen where Jungkook was cleaning up some of the dishes from breakfast. "Did you know Mina was still here in Korea?" I questioned, still staring at my phone in utter confusion.

"Oh, yeah, she had me cancel her flight back," Jungkook answered unbothered.

"Am I going crazy?" I muttered, shaking my head. "Where is she?"

"She's staying with Hobi," Jungkook turned to face me, seeing my perplexed expression. "When I told him I planned to ask you to move in with me, he said he'd already asked Mina the same thing. He didn't want her to leave."

"That's adorable," I pouted my lips. "Wait, you knew you wanted to ask me to move in before today?"

"Of course. I've known for a while, Y/N," Jungkook chuckled. "Regardless of how things ended, I knew that I wanted you by my side once the filming was all done. It was just a matter of gaining the courage to ask you."

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