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~One year later~

I typed in my code and entered the silent apartment, just as I did every night after getting out of the studio. Just me, my thoughts, and my music again tonight. Jungkook was out on tour following the release of the album. He would be returning soon, but not soon enough. I liked to think of myself as a fairly independent person but missing him was inevitable. He was that addictive.

We texted, talked on the phone, video called, of course. And it was enough...most of the time. Absence makes the heart grow fonder- or some shit like that, right? Sure. That was the cycle of our life beautiful, wonderful life. We'd spend every waking moment we could together, until we couldn't. Every second spent with him was like magic, and every second without him...well, I tried not to think about it.

Our situation was unique, that much was certain, but I still found myself happier than ever. Even in the moments I was coming home to an empty room- bliss. Because without fail, Jungkook always came home to me. I loved our love. It was worth it.

Dropping my bags on the ground and taking off my shoes, I flipped on the lights and walked into the kitchen to get a snack. As I pulled some fruit from the fridge, my eyes landed on a letter on the counter. I scrunched my brows, confused, as I hadn't yet brought in the mail. My fingers ripped open the envelope and removed the paper inside.


I thought about sending you a cryptic note for old time's sake, but I thought you might not recognize who it was at first and think I was some sort of stalker. So, don't panic, it's your adorable boyfriend, really. I managed to snag an earlier flight back and wanted to surprise you, so...can you meet me on the roof?

Love always, JK

I practically slammed the bowl of fruit on the counter and rushed to the front door, hurriedly throwing on my shoes, and checking myself for presentability in the mirror. My feet carried me up the stairs at an unnaturally quick speed. There was no time to wait for an elevator. My hands shaking from excitement, I turned the knob to the rooftop door.

And there he was...amongst a sea of glittering lights and gorgeous flowers. He was dressed up fancily in a suit standing against the ledge waiting for me with the most brilliant smile plastered across his face. A table sat in the middle of the space, with two chairs, and a bottle of wine.

I wanted to question what all of this was, but first I just needed the feeling of him in my arms. I ran over to him, grinning from ear to ear, and jumped into his grasp. His arms wrapped around me, head burying into my neck, as we both embraced in silence. We didn't need words to express what we were feeling.

It was a while before we separated, and I finally spoke. "What's this for?" I asked pointing to the scene behind us.

"That," Jungkook poked my cheek, "is a special date." I followed his lead as he dragged me by the hand to take a seat at the small table. He popped open the bottle of wine and poured us both a glass.

"Did you have fun?" I sipped the wine, still smiling to no end.

"I did, but I am glad to be back home," he nodded. Normally, when he came home from a big trip, he would have so many stories to tell me, so it was strange for him to be so quiet. His legs were bumping up and down against the table and he seemed jittery. Something was wrong.

"Are you okay?" I looked at him, concern in my voice.

"Oh, yeah, I am," he chuckled, and took several big gulps of his wine.

I raised a brow in response. "Uh, you sure?"

"I love you," Jungkook blurted out and shot up from his seat. He was acting so strange I was starting to feel extremely anxious. Until he knelt down in front of me, and it all made sense. "You are everything to me and I don't want to spend a single day in a world where you aren't mine."

His confidence was growing now, as he stared into my eyes with a fiery conviction. He pulled a small black, velvet box from his pant pocket and flicked the top open in front of me. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

A stunning diamond ring and a diamond of a man were staring up at me, waiting for my response. I gritted my teeth, trying to hold back my tears as they threatened to escape my eyes. "Yes," I choked out, flying out of my seat, and tackling him to the ground.

"Whoa, at least let me give you the ring first," he giggled, pulling me into his lap as we sat on the ground. I kept my face buried into his chest. "Wait, are you crying?"

"No, I'm not!" I sobbed, pulling away from him so I could look up at him. Tears were clearly running down my reddened cheeks, but I wasn't about to say that out loud.

"Of course, my ice princess would never cry," he gave an amused smile, slipping the ring onto my finger. "She's totally not a big romantic baby on the inside."

I shot him a sarcastic glare and wiped my eyes. "I love you, Jungkook," I spoke in a whispered tone, giving him a soft smile.

We collected ourselves and sat back at the table, simply enjoying each other's company, the cool night breeze, and the view of the starry sky. We were both silent, just taking in the moment. It didn't feel real at first, but one glance down at my hand proved that this wasn't a dream. I was going to spend forever with my forever person.

"Are you ready?" Jungkook questioned, still staring up to the sky happily.

"Ready for what?"

"The beginning."

Yes, I'm ready.


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