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I threw myself down on my bed dramatically, smothered myself with my pillow, and let out a frustrated scream. I felt Mina's body sink down on the mattress next to me.

"There, there," she said patting my head. "What happened?"

I tossed the pillow covering my face down to the ground and staring straight up at the ceiling I answered her, "Jungkook won this round."

Mina snuggled up next to me, "What does that even mean? You us normal people."

"Oh, just that he was aware of my completely subtle, or so I thought, entirely innocent use of his beautiful visage for the purpose of inspiring my slightly suggestive lyrics," I groaned.

Mina burst into laughter, and I pursed my lips in frustration at her reaction. She managed to contain herself, wiping tiny tears from the sides of her eyes. "I wasn't going to say anything, but you do kind of give him a look."

I flipped over on my side and stared her down. "What look?"

"Well, like 'do me' eyes."

I slapped my hand down over my mouth in horror. "MINA!"

"I'm sure it's fine, he's probably flattered," she said shaking me out of my trance.

"No, Mina, he is exacting his revenge," I groaned. "He is trying to make me catch feelings, he is toying with me, and I am going to die."

Mina sat up and clapped her hands together. "Are you? Catching the feels?" She leaned in with a girlish giggle and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I waved my arms wildly and shook my head. "No. No. Absolutely not."

"Of course you're precious ice queen," she said with obvious sarcasm, hopping off my bed and heading over to her own. She stuck her tongue out at me in jest before flipping the lights off.

I tried my hardest to empty my mind of the thoughts rushing through my head. I was kicking myself for thinking that I had the upper hand just because I had made him flustered a couple of times. It seemed like his shyness had completely evaporated into thin air, and in its place was a bold fierceness that was unlike anything I'd ever seen from him. You can't let him get under your skin, Y/N. You have to focus...for your dream.

Back in the studio the following day, I was back on my game. I had no intentions of making a fool of myself in the dance challenge- this was my time to set myself apart. I was dancing with a ferocity, eyes narrowed, expressing the power of the music. Jimin easily matched my pace. We were making incredible progress, breezing through choreographing the latter half of the song. Our partner work was improving too, any initial awkwardness had faded.

After a few hours of practice, we were directed by the producers to move into the large studio room to perform a piece of our routine to the group. They directed Jimin and I to go first based on the previous ranking. I spotted Mina and Jungkook sitting in the back against the glass. Mina gave me a dazzling smile and cheered me on as I walked to the center of the floor. I avoided eye contact with Jungkook, so as not to distract myself before performing.

As the music began, Jimin and I moved in rhythm. Our fingers laced together as he pulled me into him for a lift. My body was weightless, fluttering up into the air as I swayed my arms delicately to the beat. Back on two feet again, we progressed into our more forceful movements, weaving a story of a tempestuous, dangerous love. Breathing heavily, we concluded our production, as polite applause echoed through the studio.

Mina and Jungkook's performance was about to begin. Mina cracked her fingers, letting out a heavy breath, while Jungkook gave her a nod of encouragement. I wanted to rush up and give Mina a hug- she looked so terrified. The music began to fill the room- they were dancing to 'Candy' by Baekhyun. I bopped my head along to the beat. This was a good choice for Mina- fun and flirty with a lot of opportunities to show off her charms. It was something she could definitely enjoy performing if she could just get out of her head. I made a point to vibe along to the song, hoping she would get a boost of morale if she spotted me.

"Mina, you're amazing!" I exclaimed as she finished the routine. She rushed over to me, enclosing me in tight squeeze, still panting.

"Thank you, my precious fan," she beamed still embracing me. "I'm pretty sure my legs are jelly, so please carry me to lunch."

When the rest of the performances wrapped up, I did my best to fulfill Mina's wish and carry her out of the studio. "You...are too...heavy..." I grumbled, making a show out of my struggle to lift her off the ground.

She screeched, smacking at me, "You little devil, I am not!" I cackled at her reaction before easily helping her to her feet.

Jimin appeared before us with a cheerful smile. "Would you like to grab some lunch together?" he questioned, looking between the two of us.

Mina spoke up first, "Of course! Let me just ask Jungkook if he'd like to join!" I shot her a dangerous glare. I was not yet mentally prepared to face him. I was certain this was her means of payback for teasing her moments ago.

As if on cue, Jungkook sauntered over to join us. Jimin wrapped an arm around him playfully, "Coming with us for lunch? My treat."

Ugh. Here we go.

"I'd never say no to free food," Jungkook replied brightly.

We grabbed our meal from the building's cafeteria and headed up to Jimin's room for some privacy. I say room, but the boy's 'rooms' were more like decent sized apartments compared to our tiny dorms that barely had enough space for our beds and clothing. Jimin's room was warm and bright, with a wonderfully comforting and inviting feel.

"Oh no, we forgot drinks!" Mina cried as we set our food down at the table. "Jimin, could you help me grab some real quick." I tried to discreetly shoot her a look to let her know that I would never forgive her if she left me here alone with Jungkook.

"Mina, you stay, I'll go, I know you want to rest," I chimed in, basically forcing Mina back into her seat.

"Uh, o-okay," she mumbled, raising her brow in confusion. I know she was trying to be the world's best wing-woman, but I was not interested in taking flight.

On the elevator ride back downstairs, Jimin spoke up, "I'm having a lot of fun dancing with you...thanks for picking me."

"You're a great partner! You don't have to thank me at all," I replied shaking my head furiously.

He shot me a dazzling smile, before biting his lip and turning his eyes down to the floor. "To be honest, I've been watching you since the beginning..." I looked over to him in confusion, unsure of what he meant. "I probably shouldn't tell you this now, since I don't want to make you uncomfortable ahead of our stage," he continued letting out a nervous chuckle. "I just want to get to know you more outside of this."

I froze, debating how I wanted to respond to his words. I could issue a friendly reply, taking his statement as strictly platonic, if I could just ignore his nervous jittering and slightly reddened cheeks. But somehow, it seemed wrong to pretend to misinterpret him after he had the courage to confess.

"Jimin, I-"

"Don't answer me now," he interrupted, waving me off. "I just felt like I had to say something before I lost the opportunity to."

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