Chapter 1

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At the exit of District 1, Beicheng Xijiao International Airport, a young man in a short shirt and summer dress walked out carrying a box the size of a computer bag.

    Many pedestrians who picked up the plane gathered their gazes. In addition to the too strange attire of the young man in the winter, there was also an outstanding aura of this person.

    The height and legs are at least 1.85 meters. He wears sunglasses and can’t see his eyes clearly, but he can still feel that he is a good-looking and enduring young man with a tall nose, full lips, and a fair complexion. I have seen the whiteness of the sun, and his whiteness matches his figure, giving people a rather healthy and sunny feeling.

    In his early twenties, he was quite young. When he saw him, the heartbeat of some women could not help but speed up.

    His gaze swept across the crowd unconsciously, and then he moved faster in one direction.

.The voice of the discussion in that area is low, but many people are already wondering whether this is a new male star, but soon, before they have figured it out clearly, the youth followed suit with a big suit. The jacket man walked out of the airport.

    "I said Master Ding, you have to bring a windbreaker in a hurry, you don't know what the weather is in Beicheng now."

    The man in the suit frowned and glanced at Ding Cheng, who was not speaking much beside him. His mouth moved, without saying more. He turned on the air conditioner first, and then went to the trunk to find Ding Cheng for clothes.

    "Put it on, don't he doesn't know what's going on, you are sick first."

.The man in the suit is called Lu Ming, who is actually two years older than the 21-year-old Ding Cheng, but starting this summer, he was brought to the bottom of the company by his father to experience. He just went to receive a client, and then rushed. Coming over to pick up Ding Cheng from the airport, his attire was a bit more formal, but it was much more normal than Ding Cheng wearing short sleeves in winter.

    "Well," Ding Cheng finally replied. He put on his down jacket and took off his sunglasses casually, which frightened Lu Ming again.

    Standard double phoenix eyes, long eyelashes, but in the clean and clear eyes on weekdays, there is a bit of tired red silk that can't be hidden at this moment. From Lu Ming telling Ding Cheng the news of the Qi family, he is afraid that he has never closed it. Eye.

    "Go to the hospital." Ding Cheng said to Lu Ming immediately. The look on his face was two more serious than before. Lu Ming wanted to fight him and ease the atmosphere and he didn't know what he could find.

.The car started and drove quickly to the best private hospital in North City. Ding Cheng tilted his head and looked out of the window. There was heavy snow in the sky again. He still didn't feel much warmth when the coat was wrapped around him, just like the snow outside the window. Like, the cold made him stunned.

    The car stopped in front of the hospital. Ding Cheng grabbed the box containing his important documents. He tilted his head and said "thank you" to Lu Ming, and got out of the car and walked quickly to the hospital building.

    "Hey, Ding Cheng, wait for me!" Lu Ming hurriedly yelled. If he was relieved to let Ding Cheng come to the hospital by himself, he would not have to pick up the plane in person in this snowy day, but Ding Cheng probably didn't hear him. It's gone.

    "What a shrewd person on weekdays, how come you are stupid and endless when you meet Qi Ling!" Lu Ming parked the car, and kicked the snow on the ground unwillingly, but Ding Cheng was willing, he was the most What about a good friend.

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